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I don't like the world since 2012

Community Member

I don't like my generation, not only with modern music, but because I am religious and too rare to relate with their modern secular differences. I also don't like the economy today and the expense of living or with education. I prefer 2000's and 1990's clothing and that is not what they make today. Despite knowing Australia's alright, I prefer the cultural attitude of a collectivist society and I hate the individualist approach for numerous reasons. I definitely don't like how modern people don't have any humility and can't take accountability for when their in the wrong, people are too shallow and socially superficial and the look others down with stigma. I also wish people were more light hearted and that actions were still seen as louder than words, rather than controversial because you said something that should be forgotten about by tomorrow.

35 Replies 35

I think with the automatic driving licence the reason is since this particular type of diagnosis is very stigmatised and with the movies too.


I honestly would part ways, It isn't just having those ten years with the schooling bastards. It's also being in a generation age bracket that isn't me, Socially their different and I'm not into their music. Australia's culturally not religious or politically conservative, the whole world has this global hate to anyone that is. The main thing is I'm tired of the spiritual connection with who ever is making me feel different or not intelligent or tragic. I know I'm not supposed to be with my generation, I know I'm with older differences and I'm sick of that seeming controversial with the way people think these days. I've even had one make fun of my accent and telling me I'm only not bogan if I'm American or British. He was trying to make me feel insecure because he has a dislike to the Aussie accent, even if I myself don't.


I just can't have esteem when I live with a vain father that keeps behind the T.V. but knowing that he thinks I'm disabled, soft, weak, inept, shouldn't be driving to some degree and that I can't cook or else I'll burn the house down. Especially since I've had that decade with his friend who now has made it known he thinks I'm a loser and his sister on those occasions un admittedly thinks just the same shitty things about me, even if one of her kids is a ice addict with a domestic charge and nearly avoided jail. She told me day by day, making me seem like I'm a sick debilitated boy, Just because I asked how my cousin was doing, she re directed it to make me in equal light but to make me feel that I'm a survivor.  


Now that I'm being 29 I'm in the deep end and things are really getting defined for me. Since I haven't planned on University even when I was going through high school. I never took high school seriously and I was getting bullied, but after school I would have a video gaming addiction. I knew all my life I wouldn't either do construction or be a apprentice. I won't do hospitality and even being a barista I would need to get a certificate IV which is absolutely too stressful, low salary and not for my personality. If I don't pursue retail I'm told or else it's factory and my job recruiter admits it's not likely for me, and even if I would be suited, I don't want to work those un satisfying crap un skilled jobs. I also know if you don't earn over $60,000 you can't maintain living on your own in modern Melbourne & Sydney. It can take over a decade to have a good deposit on a mortgage and getting a rent is literally impossible and most of the availabilities are only in the suburbs that most wouldn't preference. Some people have to work multiple jobs and drive to different proximus commutes and take any job wither it's what they should be not suitable for, the world makes you desperate instead of guiding people into the right work environment. 


I'm just sick of how the world structures against creativity and everyone's afraid to be genuine and uniquely themselves. Your made to feel un realistic to be beyond a bachelor degree, some people live the lives to just not having anyone tell them what to do, and then there's others that are just afraid to do anything and where the next person makes them feel like the next or worse than who they hated before.

When I dated my first wife I was invited for dinner. The mother cooked then the father washed and dried the dishes. So I grabbed a tea towel and started drying the plates- he got angry and told me to leave it and "sit down". Shocked, I asked him why. He said "my kids (he had 5 and my GF was the youngest), dont do a thorough job". So I found out that they hadnt dried a dish for over 15 years. !!


Then a few months later I noticed the father was compacting rubbish into two tiny bins, a small bit into a bigger piece into a bigger piece etc,  so I thought I's give him a gift- two medium sized rubbish bins (before wheelie bins were invented). He got angry again. "I've been packing my rubbish for 40 years and no one is going to change my routine!!


So, this proved to me that some people, especially older people, get stuck in their ways and they feel others are interfering with their lives but trying to help. Once a reputation is set in their minds they wont budge. This is really stubborn and in your case LP, even if you cooked a restaurant quality meal he either wouldnt believed you cooked it or he'd think it was a fluke. So you are far better off learning to laugh at the absurdity of it all and even chuckle in front of him not in a disrespectful manner but in a way they might make him think he is being stubborn. 


Re: "Your made to feel un realistic to be beyond a bachelor degree"  At your age maybe, but it soon changes after about 35-40yo... why? because you will have by then experience in several fields. In my case I began to become expert in security, dog handling as a ranger and investigations. Now you are in a catch 22 because you cant find work in areas other than where you choose not to work, no work no experience, no experience no expertise when you get older. That's why I've recommended you start work in ANY field so you gather life's experience and a working record to add to your resume. In your position at 29yo you should not be fussy with where you work. Once settled into a job even factory you can look for a second poart time job. Then you might like that better and resign from the factory work, thats how you get through life.


One day after years of working hard in jobs that you might not like, you might start up a small business with a hobby you like. There's a saying "ig you work and gain income from a chosen hobby you wont ever work another day in your life." 





Hi LostPigeon407


Was reading an article not too long ago about a couple of Yale School Of Medicine brain researchers who began a study back in 2014. While researching schizophrenia, they had a thought that led them to question 'Who else in society proclaims to hear voices/dialogue?'. They decided to start doing a bit of research seriously far outside the square and began researching psychics, clairaudients to be precise (those who proclaim to hear what comes to mind). They came across a number of fascinating things. One of those things involved how clairaudients (those who proclaim to hear voices/dialogue) are able to block out the negative or abusive voices/dialogue and only hear what's positive or constructive and seems to be of guidance. Their goal was not to determine whether psychic phenomena was real or not, they simply wanted to study differences and similarities between those who proclaim to be clairaudient and those who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia (two different groups of 'voice hearers'). Another goal is to discover whether schizophrenia can possibly be treated differently for some sufferers, when it comes to managing voices, compared with some traditional treatments for schizophrenia.


When you speak about a lot of the negative dialogue you hear, wondering whether you ever get anything positive than can possibly lead you to feel more grounded, while focusing less on your dad or focusing away from him. Wondering whether you also have any strategies when it comes to managing the voices/dialogue you hear.

Community Member

I don't like society because to me they are socially superficial, selectively favourtistic and subjectively shallow. No one cares about strangers and most of your problems are from the expense of others. The world diminishes your esteem mostly with bullying or disbelieving in others and it's caused me to lose my social skills, also how they make you feel you need their approval to be likeable, decent or accepted, when a person is not supposed to need anyone else to their beliefs. There's a baggage of other factors if you read below.


I had been bullied during high school. I graduated in 2013 and I was in touch with two of them until 2018. Constantly being told negative things about me or my life and given names and labels and opinions I didn't want to hear. They were arsewholes.


To make it worse I've had no direction for which entry job's I want to work and I don't want to study anything and I'm now 29 too. I only got my driving because I was able to have a centrelink pension. My job recruiters offer me virtually nothing and we have a national recession too in Australia. I don't want to study anything either wither I'm capable, I just don't have a interest either way.


I've been wrongly medicated for the last twelve years because I had destructive phases and made some suicidal mistakes during 2012 - 2014. I've gone through all my twenties on top of that being miserable because I have been uniquely mistaken to be schizophrenic since 2013 or with psychosis and I have became pre diabetic and had a cholecystectomy, I've got belly stretch marks since I overcame weight gain.


8 years after the diagnosis in 2021 my life has got even worse, because wither this is believed or not I've became spiritual on top of all my issues and their bullying me as being different, they laugh about me, they tell me I'm not intelligent. They compare me to American's, I'm constantly told that I'm rare or mocked about having centrelink and diabetes. 


I never liked my father, He is vain and negatively critically opinionated about me in numerous ways. He thinks I'm hopeless, weak, soft, inept, disabled, that I shouldn't drive and that just since I have a existential crisis that I don't want to work. He also tells me if I cook anything I will burn the house down or to let my mum do anything, Since the bastard doesn't believe in my abilities. We don't talk and my life is not his problem in his mind too. He was not involved anyway, never was praising, encouraging and a positive reinforcement.



Community Member

I'm sick of the feeling that you can't have any unpopular opinions about anything anymore. How everyone thinks you have to be in tune with the current decade or match with your generation, nationality or ethnic community.


I'm sick of the feeling that a toxic high school friend or even a therapist thinks they can define a persons intelligence, who they are, wither their good or bad, believe that or not or what their capabilities can be.


I'm sick of the feeling that people are more socially superficial, subjectively shallow and selectively favourtistic with who their willing to be friendlier too. 


I'm sick of anything socially conservative being exaggerated and manipulated that the individual is a bad person.


I'm sick of being hated for believing in Christianity & Religion because the century objects it, I'm also marginalised by my generation & nationality too. I don't have to feel weird for the simplicity of just a belief, a moral code, for my sense on values or anything. Also how people try comparing politics and religion to historic figures that have nothing to do with religion.


I'm ultimately sick of a hypocritical world telling everyone to stop caring what others think and to be yourself, live in accordance to your own way or whatever you are, but then individuality is either bullied or controversial. I hate the feeling that the next person makes you feel you need their approval with wither your likeable, normal, decent or acceptable. I can't believe we are living in a century that needs a strangers opinion to validate you in any measurement. I'm tired of feeling afraid to be who I am, that I can't have the inherit alpha nature to be strongly out going and succeed with anything I want.


I'm sick of feeling in the shadow of my father since I can't financially support myself. Though I'm not in the ideal situation to be secure and ready for my life.


Hey OP


You ought to have a read of Nietzche. His concept of the Everyman is one I think you'll resonate with. He speaks quite eloquently of people who are caught in the mundaneness of the society he was in at the time. 


It strikes me that people are either in 2 camps now. Camp 1 - This group does any random job and are complacent as when it comes to other things like deeper philosophical meaning, self insight, self development etc. 

Camp 2 - the people who are obsessed with the careers and are always trying to optimise themselves under the capitalist system. 


Both frustrated me long ago and I've actually taken a stance in my own life that states ill be an individualist. Ultimately I dint need others approval for my actions or choices and I've realised that the only person I was trying to impress was an arbitrarily constructed "other" that had expectations of me. I couldn't articulate who it was or what they had said. 


It's a strange but ultimately freeing realisation. 


Cultivate your own moral worth and viewpoint through whatver means you can.