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I can never seem to be happy at all

Community Member

Problems seem to be everywhere for me and I can’t seem to get out of it. Someone who knows the girl I like told me that the girl I like likes someone else. My parents make me so upset and push me too much. In my school, I feel I’m not liked.

I had asked someone who knows the girl I like to find out if the girl I like likes me back. This person came back to me and told me that she likes someone else. I told this person to tell the girl I like that I like her back. The girl I like found out I like her and that day she smiled when looking at me for the whole lesson.

The day after this, the person I had asked first to find out who the girl I like likes told me the girl I like is going out with the guy she likes. Yet the days after her finding out she still shows me signs of liking me more than friends. She is always near me, one time she stretched her arms in my direction while talking to her good guy friend, she also brushed passed me a lot in one lesson (most likely on purpose), she stretches her foot towards me and also stares at me (her friends also stare at me).

I don’t understand why she is showing me these signs of liking me when she actually likes someone else. Could she be lying because she doesn’t want to pass gossip around the school? (I had asked out a girl previous to this and the full year found out including this new girl I like) Does the girl I like like me back?

Due to all the following problems (below), I want to be happier in my life such as getting a girlfriend.

In school I feel I’m not accepted. Everyone calls the sport I like gay and due to this I feel isolated from being myself and am quiet. No one talks to me and people don’t accept me. My parents are also another problem, they push me in my schoolwork when I’m doing/trying my hardest and they are stressing me out a lot more. 

I just want to be happier and accepted in my school and is why I want a girlfriend. At least that way I will feel liked (at the moment I don’t feel liked) and will be happier. I feel like i'm in a box which is closing into me and squishing me into pulp. I’m not sure what to do. Please help me… :(

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi the one why do you feel you need to have a girlfriend. Once you start having a relationship with someone at a young age of course it will interfere with your school work and it does take up a lot of your time you have so many years ahead for this. Honestly you need to speak to your school counsellor if you cant get any support from home i have suggested to you this before . You are feeling that your closed into a box because you are taking far too much on. Forget the girls period !!!! and find 1 nice friend in that school even from another year . You know what i say try another sport and see if you can make another friend there. This girl doing this to you is teasing you playing hard to get these are just silly things teenage girls do forget her. As for your parents could you maybe study for them a bit more and at least when you get the marks and grades you need they will get off your back . Parents are just worried thats all and sometimes some parents can go to the extreme maybe sit with them at home and tell them nicely to back off a little. Or last suggestion see a GP and get a referral to a psych and talk these things through. Psychs are great they will give you strategies to cope thats what you need here before your depression worsens.

Community Member
Nes said:Hi the one why do you feel you need to have a girlfriend. Once you start having a relationship with someone at a young age of course it will interfere with your school work and it does take up a lot of your time you have so many years ahead for this. Honestly you need to speak to your school counsellor if you cant get any support from home i have suggested to you this before . You are feeling that your closed into a box because you are taking far too much on. Forget the girls period !!!! and find 1 nice friend in that school even from another year . You know what i say try another sport and see if you can make another friend there. This girl doing this to you is teasing you playing hard to get these are just silly things teenage girls do forget her. As for your parents could you maybe study for them a bit more and at least when you get the marks and grades you need they will get off your back . Parents are just worried thats all and sometimes some parents can go to the extreme maybe sit with them at home and tell them nicely to back off a little. Or last suggestion see a GP and get a referral to a psych and talk these things through. Psychs are great they will give you strategies to cope thats what you need here before your depression worsens.

I want to be happy. Your telling me to forget abut girls. I will never be happy. F my life!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi the one I knew I could get you to respond back you went to great effort to write down everything i wrote well done. I am not a believer that a girl will fix all your probelms here you have underlying problems here that you need to address with someone and it will take some courage for you to admit to that. I was in a similar situation like you when i was 17 and im 39 now so im advising you from an adults point of view. Yes have fun with girls be friends with them thats ll part of enyoing the teenage years but dont let it consume you to the point that you get depression from it thats all i was worried about here from you . Lets see if anyone else on this forum can give you some advice also. Hope it all soughts its self out for you here.