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How or what do others do on bad days?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


Ok I'm new to all this but I also have an enquiring mind so that being said, what do others do to divert their brain from going sooo far down that its hard to climb back up?. I'm on quite a downer & nothing is helping. I cane to see if any others spend time talking to ppl like myself to help maybe with techniques on brain diversion from bad thoughts. I'm finding myself feeling alone & with no or little support, so if anyone wants to suggest what they have tried well that would be appreciated. Thanks for listening

15 Replies 15

Hi guys,

Once again many thanks to all those people that have read & or commented because it's truly appreciated & I try taking onboard suggestions or positive feedback etc so I'm kind of being a big super size sponge that's going to soak all the good things that life can give me. I do feel & have for a very long time, a mental image of my sister dieing while I held her hand. It broke my heart & undoubtedly is THE HARDEST thing I've ever had to do & the same when my mum died 7yrs ago. After reading the last few posts I now turn the "not positive" image into the other side of the coin so to speak, of knowing that neither of them died alone so in just a few hrs I've planted that seed in to replace the old 1. I will practice this as long as it takes for me to understand there are sooo many things in this world that can't be changed. Both my sister,dad & mums graves are quite a few hours away so rather than getting so down & upset that I can't visit more, I've decided I don't need to be huddled crying over a cold hard stone but tomorrow I will buy 3 rose trees ( all 3 loved roses ) & plant in my garden. I will tend those roses & encourage them to be strong healthy plants just as much as the knowledge that they are really not far from me at all but that they now reside in my heart. I know it will take time but its a start. I'm just so over feeling. I wish that we were all made with on off emotion switches, I'm so tired of having to spend at least,1hr a day at the Dr surgery getting needles daily. I'm sore, I'm in pain & just tired of Drs telling me how much worse I'm looking each day. I'm just worn down guys or maybe I'm just a sook & should be quiet.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Terrific idea with the rose trees Kat, just terrific. I can imagine you would be worn down, little things each day will change that direction to upwards.

Dear Kat,

Hi. I have just been reading this thread and I am thinking to myself what an amazing, powerful, strong woman you are! So many people in your situation would probably have curled up and died years ago, if not in the actual sense, then with in themselves, and would have given up trying to keep going!

I applaud you for your attitude and wanting to be positive despite all you have been through and all you still need to endure. You deserve a medal for courage and tenacity! Well done to you! You have encouraged me immensely through your desire to keep going.

I love the idea of the roses, I have planted roses too in our garden in memory of dear departed loved ones. When it was my deceased son's 21st birthday, I bought a cake, matches and candles, went to a lovely park and lit the candles for him. It was my way of celebrating his special day.

As mentioned by others in these posts, we can make special days significantly depressive or we can celebrate them and remember the best of the people relating to those days. Or not even remember the sad dates like funerals and deaths, but just celebrate the person's life and memory all through the year.

Regarding the hospital experience, that really is shocking. Can you contact the hospital social worker, a minister of religion who visits, or anyone who ever they have as an advocate for the patient next time you are in the hospital? Speaking to the Dr performing the operation is a good place to start as well regarding ensuring you receive the care you need. Please make sure there is someone there to help and support you. If your own requests are not being followed up, ask a friend or a relative to keep at the staff until support comes your way.

My sister is a good one for making sure the Dr does not leave the bed side until all of the questions have been asked and answered to the fullest. Do you have someone like that who can be your advocate in the hospital?

Wishing you all the very best, and thinking you are so worthy of all the help and advise you can receive!

Sending you much care, compassion, encouragement and a will to continue on, from Dools

dear Katatonic, I also loved the warmth from these replies back to you, and it's so reassuring that there love for you here.

Although I loved my Mum and Dad so much I haven't been down to their grave site which is at the Necropolis in Melbourne, personally I wouldn't think that it would make me feel closer to them than how I feel now, whereas others feel differently.

Your idea of planting the rose bushes could be no better, because you will see them everyday, and even when winter comes wouldn't make much difference, because the enjoyment of when they begin to sprout is truth that they are alive in nature.

When you were first married must have been about the same age as I was, but we had so much to learn, but I'm sure that it had put so much strain on you, and could have quite easily been detrimental to your health.

I can understand the decision that you will have to make, seems to you to be a no-win situation either way, but then you have such a large family base who would adore you, just like you adore them, but the effort to cuddle any of them would be impossible because of your damaged sternum, but it must be something that you want for so much, to be able squeeze your grand kids, enjoy their funny little laughs and the jokes that they may have, as well as for yourself to have a decent laugh.

I can't empathise any more than the recovery time maybe lengthy and the pain will be there, there's no mistaking this, however in the long run you will able to run up to your grand kids and give them the squeeze that you long desire for.

Your doctors desperately want you to have the operation, and as much as you don't look forward to it.

I don't want to have another hip operation which is no where as serious as yours, but I know that I would be better off, and this would enable me to have run with my 2 beautiful grand daughters.

I know it's a difficult decision for you, but the long term benefits far outweigh the negatives, but please reply back to us. L Geoff. x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi guys & again what great replies you all take fo reply. I rely feel like it's Christmas or I've finally hit the jackpot with your support. I have planted my 3 roses & finally I feel like my heart is starting to fill with love but also its like I'm standing taller knowing I've accomplished a positive action rather than a negative. I also took a further step on a incident that I should have addressed years ago & booked in to see about counseling.

unfortunately many yrs ago my 3 daughters were all sexually a abused & whilst I got them all through the counseling I chose not to myself. Its got so bad it actually feels like I'm in physical pain & I've blocked so much I can't remember days, times etc of when it all happened so I guess another positive step.

As for my heart & kidneys well I guess how I survive it or am treated only time will tell. I have so much wrong atm I really have to stop thinking because its only making me worse

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Happy Birthday Kat. xxx

I am so glad you heart is starting to fill with love, give love to those roses, as Geoff said, the spirit of your loved ones is in Nature,, if you give love to Nature you are giving love to them. Having love in your heart can only help your medical challenges.

Some times we don't need to re live things to fix them, we can fill our lives with love, make that the new norm.

By choosing happiness over sadness you honor your lost loved ones, that is what they would want for you. Love to you all.