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Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
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Are you sensitive? If so you might be in the range of a HSP. Studies show up to 15-30% of people could fall into this category. And I thought I was alone!
Have you had the comments
”you should toughen up”
”don’t be so sensitive”
Yet these people don’t realise that your sensitivity is part of you, your personality. It’s like you suggesting they grow shorter as “you are too tall” How absurd.
Sensitive people have strong inner feelings, can be creative in things like writing, like to help other people or animals and generally care deeply in their convictions.
So people that criticise us are in effect bullying us to be someone we are not. If possible stand up for yourself because sure as yabbies bite your toes, if you don’t then you’ll be walked over.
We cant all be without sensitivity, we can’t all be low in emotion... not everyone is a highly sensitive person, if they were they’d understand how our world is full of inner feelings and also wonderful in a strange way because we “feel” and that my friend is priceless...
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Hi All
often being described as too sensitive, i tend to shut of for a while, because sensitivity seems to bother some people.
it hurts when the people closest to me say that im too sensitive. I understand that they havent been through what i have, but its still painful.
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Sensitivity is how we are, we cannot be whom we are not. But those average people see our behaviour, reactions as different so they label us.
That's when it becomes an act of bullying. "Dont be so sensitive" means "you have the ability not to be sensitive so flick that switch and be normal".
Same as asking a paraplegic to walk or a bald man to grow hair. I make no excuses for the bully tag, it's time to stand up and tell it as it is.
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I agree!!! The conundrum of capitalism clashing with those who feel their way through life... I often think about Van Gogh. Thought of a a lunatic, a weirdo who painted crappy pictures... now what is his estate worth... I've coined this term societal-lag. It took the rest of society all this time to appreciate him? His work? It's beyond tragic. So many artists who've used different mediums over the years, have suffered the wrath of their communities, simply for breathing differently.
Why we all can't just live and let live? Oh that's it I forgot! (how could I), the sad fact is that this is by design. The powers that be, are slowly creating this "matrix" if you will for our societies. Factually imo. I can see the writing on the wall. To continue their quest for complete control over everyone's autonomy, let alone for people like us. Where people like us are Neo's, and those who notice something out of the ordinary i.e us, start walking towards us to try and take us out of the equation.
Even if the Writers of Matrix have recently came out and said that it was about transgender confusion (from memory), but I actually think the mechanisms of the plot, apply far more accurately to Capitalism and the effects that it is having on people such as us.
then take Joker, the latest installment; two VERY different movies, but with similar connections to capitalism (and the dysfunctional elements it possesses), with its societal constructs for that which in my opinion, makes our species, an extremely oppressed and mislead one. Must be considering this slippery slop is getting steeper, seemingly by the year.
Our species is hurtling towards implosion and the majority are too engrossed in their "smart technology" aka "keep them polarised and divided" technology to care. They've been desensitised to to their own social retardation. The term "divide and conquer" may be military terminology, but one can also just as simply apply this quote to how Governments are now ruling (and ruining) the masses.
I weep at times when I think about how we the people have let this happen to us.
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I also enjoyed reading your poem @TonyWK... For all the wrong reasons. It was profound to me, seeing my life's conundrum condensed into a concise I dare say, perfect poem.
(I'm no English lecturer so please don't quote me though) 🙂
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because it describes me well, but I can't seem to find anyone who wants
to talk about it. Is anyone else here an HSP?
For me, I used to get teary when talking to teachers in primary school.
I am very sensitive to caffeine, so I have to avoid it.
am sensitive to loud noises, and also very observant of whats going on
around me, and have intuitive insights often physically and emotionally.
I am very emotionally sensitive! I am likely to feel what you feel and that can bring me down, but also bring me way up!
I get absolutely overtaken with just worldly beauty, it sustains me through daily life!
I am such a deep thinker, being able to shut off my mind is something unimaginable to me!
I have long and rich dreams, I remember and write them down, I often have
4-6 dream segments a night and I feel as though dreaming is half my
life and who I am.
I am an avid artist and can draw my feelings much more satisfyingly than I can write!
Music is my oxygen! It is like my metronome so I love to listen to music while doing everything!!
I always feel a bit different to people, I've always had trouble connecting with people at school, but I think I will manage when I finish 🙂
Of course I have more but I would love to see if anyone else relates!! ❤️ ❤️
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Hello Tony and everyone...🤗..
I am a highly sensitive person and to be honest with everyone, I prefer myself that way...Being highly sensitive, can at times cause a lot of hurt for me...and also a lot of joy, being able to tune into the universe, and look at the world and all the creatures in a different way to the insensitive person.....
I have know many people who didn’t have a sensitive bone in their body or heart..they have no feeling for anything in this amazing world except themselves..How sad would that be to be like that...
I can cry with a single word, gesture and always when someone gives me a hug...,I often cry reading posts, knowing others are struggling with their life....I can feel these things deeply...I care for people deeply, creatures of this universe and even the beautiful flora that is around me...
Be proud of you and being sensitive...because it means you are a beautiful soul, that cares deeply about others and the world around you...
As our wonderful and wise Tony says....”sensitive is who we are, we cannot be who we are not”...
Be who you are...because sensitivity is a beautiful way to be..
Kind thoughts...beautiful people,
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welcome to the forum and thanks for your post.
I relate to what you wrote. I am an HSP. People can telling me I am too sensitive but maybe others are insensitive.
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Thanks Feverfew and lively Grandy
Feverfew, you did a good job describing your HSP symptoms. As Grandy eluded, she embraces her sensitivity which is not only an action of positivity but as you cannot eliminate the condition it's better to learn to love that part of your character. As Grandy said, the opposite is less preferable.
The beauty of living life as a HSP is your appreciation
YouTube prem rawat maharaji appreciate
YouTube maharaji the perfect instrument
So, Feverfew, you are one lu cvky individual.
But to both of you- regardless of the above, you have a challenge....to keep doing and feeling what you feel but learn to do so with less extreme emotion. The tears, try to feel as you do but without the tears. Less headaches and I believe tears can bring you down.
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Hi to all the highly sensitive souls here 🙂
Tony, this is such a truly beautiful thread. It's a thread that doesn't trigger the thought 'What's wrong with me' but the thought 'I am truly amazing', among those who touch base here.
It tends to trigger me when I hear people refer to the current generation as 'the snowflake generation' in a bad way. From a positive perspective, the snowflake generation are individually unique and collectively hold the ability to blanket the world in something truly beautiful and breathtaking.
They are sensitive enough to feel and melt under degradation, a lack of inspiration, the unnecessarily stressful, exhausting and potentially depressing challenges that come with an outdated educational system. While they are left alone, without a lot of guidance, they are sensitive enough to seek excitement and stimulation through things like Tik Tok. They are natural born seekers who at times lack guidance. They can easily feel support and inspiration from open minded people who are not closed off to new ways in making this world more compassionate, sensitive and exciting. They are often told to toughen or harden up which is depressing for these people who long for others to be just as sensitive as them. They suffer terribly through an obvious lack of leadership in the way forward. Collectively, they are a beautiful and naturally intelligent generation. With so much focus on academic intelligence, consideration for their natural intelligence is often ignored. They're a generation of daydreamers, entrepreneurs, of feelers who feel everything so deeply and creators who are ready to create, in desperate need of direction and resources.
I have a couple of snowflakes myself, an 18yo girl and 15yo boy, and they would have to be 2 of the most amazing inspiring and sensitive people I've ever met. I feel truly blessed to be here to witness this incredible generation lead us out of what can be such an insensitive world at times. I believe they are here to make a difference. Now all they need are the leaders to help and guide them.
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Hi the rising
You painted my thoughts.
"Harden up"..."don't be so sensitive"..."he's a sook?
Had that all my life.
As a young prison officer at 21yo I subjected myself to terrible challenges. Not only from hardened prisoners but the officers also. There was no room for compassion I so desperately desired to offer. No room for a HSP.
The world can be a cruel place. But individually we can give to others some comfort.
E.g. I visited McDonald's. I witnessed the manager debate a young female staff member. She walked to the rest room in tears. A few minutes later she wiped down tables and swept. I told her she was doing a top job. She smiled behind rosy red cheeks. As We left I approached her manager. "I'd like to make a compliment to the store. That new girl was fantastic with her manners, so caring". He told me it was her second day working. "Well my friend...you better learn to communicate in a softer more gentle tone if you are to become a great manager" I said.
We older adults have to protect our young people from abuse. Labelling other "snowflakes" or any derogatory word is unacceptable. We can only do this from an individual level but it can be life changing even then