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Community Member
My name is Natalie and i have depression i feel like i am always pushing people away out of my life i also feel like i am no good to anyone
10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Turner05

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to post too!

I understand you with depression...this is my 21st year of this illness...ugh (doing better now though)

The forums are a judgemental free zone as well as a safe & secure place for you to post Turner..no worries

You are good to many people including many gentle people here that also feel the same as you do too

I really hope you can feel comfortable having a chat to us. No one will judge or tell you what to do here.....but we can give you a heap of support.

I think you are amazing by posting when you are feeling so crappy

you are not alone here

my kindest


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Im sorry...Natalie... for not using your first name...


white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi turner, welcome

Feeling "no good to anyone" means you dont think you are valuable to other people. In my view there is easy remedies for this.

To be of value all you have to do really is be a good listener and ask questiobs about them. Being a caring friend sometimes (not always) results of them caring for you. Suddenly you will realise you are valued.

As far as "pushing people away" I can only guess that you do this because other people cannot relate to your condition. This topic is clearly coveted in the following. Google this

Topic: they just wont understand why?- beyondblue

Thanks for joining. We understand

Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Paul

I have been a member of BB for quite a while but have been unsure and or nervous about posting or where to post or explore.

I live with a severe panic and anxiety disorder, PTSD as well as ADD. Depression naturally comes along with all these conditions.

I guess now that I nolonger take depression specific medication as my symptoms responded quite well to ADD medication alone I wonder if I have any place being here.

I have very many queries and don't really know where to begin. There are so many forums...

What topic/thread would you recommend that I start with?

I'd appreciate your input.

Thank you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Natalie

I'm Em. I'm new to the forums but happened to see your post and thought that I'd say Hello.

I can totally identify with how you feel. I went misdiagnosed for a long time. I have ADD, Major panic and anxiety disorder and PTSD. I was very very depressed despite being on antidepressants and for 3 years, I isolated and barely left the house because of the very same ( and other) feelings that you are experiencing.

I finally managed to get the right treatment plan (4 me) in place. More to the point, I found an amazing psychotherapist who, combined with a psychiatrist for medication management has helped me enormously.

Do you have a good counsellor, psychologist, support worker- somebody objective who you can talk to and felt heard and respected??

It took me a long time to find the right person and the right type of treatment plan and I wanted to give up or not engage because I didn't feel worthy of help.

But I was and am. And so are you.

I still have very dark days but with the right supports in place, I can now endure the tricks my mind tries to play and I remind myself that the horrible feelings will pass and I get through slowly but surely.

I am beginning to reconnect with old "positive" people in my life and am getting back out into the world and trying to LIVE rather than just watch the world pass me by as I hid away from everything and everyone.

My insecurities and feelings of low self worth are still there but they are changing in intensity and where I was once at the point of not wanting to go on ( been there too many times but somehow got through) I now feel hopeful and positive about the future.

I pushed EVERYONE away. Please try and tell yourself that the people worth having in your life, will come back and will want to help you.

You deserve to feel content and at peace with yourself. You can do it, with help and support. Let people help if they offer, dont be afraid to ask for help and dont be afraid to voice what is and isnt working for you. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

I hope you begin to heal and just know that the awful feelings nomatter how bad and how entrenched CAN and WILL change and pass.

Take care


Hey Em (excuse me for HiJacking your thread Natalie)

If you have a look at the different thread headers under 'All Posts' you are more than welcome to create your own thread. We have Depression as well as Anxiety or any other header you wish to post on.

It took me ages to post my own thread as well Em. I was unsure as well

Please dont be nervous as you seem to have a lot you can share with other people and there are many gentle people that can be here for you too 🙂

Maybe if you go to 'All Posts' and click on 'Anxiety' and start your own thread

There is no judgement here.....only support for you Em

I hope you can stick around the forums

Good on you too for having the strength to post!

My Kind thoughts


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello to both Natalie and Em, everybody is welcome to join this site, there are no boundaries it's all about people with any type of depression or even people who don't have any, but are able to contribute to the many people who ask us for help, because they are suffering so badly from MI.
You may have been able to overcome depression, but it is still with you no matter what circumstance may have changed, it's no different than a silent volcano, ready to erupt at any particular time, so please don't be nervous, we have all gone through this ourselves.
Both of you have significant concerns which need individual help with, so as Paul says pick a section you think suits your condition. Geoff.

It's ok


Thank you for replying back to me