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Hi im new

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I think i have depression i havent been to a professional and minor anxiety i have collapsed once overthinking and crying and not being able to breathe for no reason. Im not sure how this forum really works so if someone wanted to help me that would be great
22 Replies 22

Ive decided to try and talk to my year advisert to go to the counceler. I dont know when im still thinking about what to say but i think starting there is the place with the smallest ripple effect. Ill probably end up going next term if im honest with you knowing me

Hi Angelkattie, and welcome Brayden.

Can I suggest you divide what you want to say into 2 parts onto a piece of paper, where the first part you feel comfortable talking about with the counsellor and the second part which could be those difficult issues and when you connected with that person, then you could talk about them.

It doesn't have to be in one session, that's entirely up to you.

Let us know how you get on, only if you want to.

Take care.


Thanks fot the suggestion, itl help me be more organised and be a bit less scared.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Angelkattie~

I think that Geoff has given you some good advice, in other words to write things down - taking your time to do so, then handing over the paper to the councilor. I've done this with doctors and have found it very helpful (so have they as they have something to work from)

I get to say everything without being flustered or embarrassed by trying to explain face to face, in fact I've just has to answer questions to amplify what I wrote (which I've normally written point-form)

I'm not sure how much you have to say to your year adviser to get an appointment with a counselor. Simply saying it is a serious and troubling ongoing matter - without going into details may well be enough.

When you see the counselor you simply had over your situation in point-form (well, I have used point form anyway).

Everyone is different, I used this method not only to make the consultation easier for me, but also so I did not chicken out on some things - too late when the paper has been handed over, which was a surprising relief.

If you simply can't say everything all at once then just say there is more, but you can't talk about it -and say why. That way the councilor will know it is serious and needs to keep on going.

When you do it? I guess when you think there is a good opportunity, hopefully as soon as possible, not leaving it until next term as your life needs to get better right now. I left things far too long and had more difficulties as a result, please don't make my mistake.

Do you think this is something you might be able to do?


im not really sure, things get intense busy in regards to school around this time of the term and she is always busy with no time and is always angry and unaprochable/intimidating at this time. Ive been feeling better lately but im waiting for my emotions to crash thats y i keep saying ill leave it to later because right now i dont feel how i felt a week ago but i know i will feel it soon

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Angelkattie~

I'm sorry she is so intimidating and angry at school - that is definitely not the sort of person you want.

While I can understand you putting things off because it is bearable at the moment, however that's the proper time to take steps. Not difficult ones but some, so if you do crash it's all there for you already. Trying to explain and seek help when you are really down is too big an ask -at least it was for me.

Do you think that is a sensible thing to do?

I know I'm repeating myself (sorry) , however it's because I know they are good. Have a talk or web-chat to the Kids Help Line (1800 55 1800). They will listen and help. They are not just there for a crisis.


thankyou for these numbers

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Angelkattie~

You are very welcome wiht the numbers, having something as a backstop can be a comfort.

I would like to know how you are gettng on ATM, are things still reasonable or is it another crash? They do happen.


things are getting better, but a toxic person is coming back into my life soom (she was on holiday) and i know i will crash when she gets back

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Angelkattie~

Well it is good to hear from you again, I'd wondered how things were going. Your news seems both good and bad, you mention that things are improvising, but see trouble head when a particular person reenters your life

Can you say more about this? What it is that you react to perhaps. We'd like to support you and give you perspective about anyone that makes your life more difficult

You are not alone
