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Having to put up with the whole thing with feeling burdened and just struggling with feeling depressed, stressed and this cyber bullying getting to me

Community Member
Just being fairly annoying the cyber bully yep yeah and just completely bothering me to the very core of like just what I am as a person. Like I just cant handle it for any longer just without posting like just anything on here to be completely fair yep yeah. And also just feeling burdened by the physical health side of things and the depression, stress with like just the effect that has had on my life just for the moment to be completely fair yep yeah
1 Reply 1

Hi Steve p,

We appreciate you reaching back on the forums. It sounds like you’re going through a very overwhelming and we are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing cyber bullying while also struggling with your physical and mental health. As we’ve noticed that you have already started to share your journey in another thread (https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/young-people/convinced-im-going-to-perish-an...) it would be helpful to provide an update there instead of starting a new thread,  in order for our community best understand your current situation and provide the most appropriate support.  This also prevents members from repeating information or advice that they may have already mentioned to you in another thread. In the meantime, we will have this thread closed. We appreciate you understanding and look forward to hearing from you.
Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) is another great resource we’d suggest you reach out to if you'd like more immediate support: https://kidshelpline.com.au/