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Has anyone taken antidepressants for their entire life or for more than 10 years?

Community Member

Hey just curious has anyone taken antidepressants for their entire life or for more than 10 years? 

8 Replies 8

Community Champion
Community Champion
My father has for the better half of my life. And I am in my late 40s. Why do you ask?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MikeyLaLa~

Welcome back, I remember talking to you a few months ago after you first started medication.

Forums / Anxiety / How long do you take antidepressants from when you start feeling better?

From your question I'd guess you have been told it is advisable to keep on medication for longer than you were prepared for - is that about it? If I remember right you it has been 5-6 months since you started. May I ask if you continue to fell better?

With you question, I've been on meds considerably longer than 10 years. It took a fair while to find what exactly suited me, but since then they are just an ordinary part of life, and no hassle.

If you are in any doubt I'd suggest a second opinion, it is a normal part of medical practice and can be useful


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello MikeyLaLa, thanks for coming and asking this question.

I have been taking antidepressants (AD) for 25 years if that answers your query and very happy to follow up.

Best wishes.


I also ask if there's any side effects or harm in being on antidepressants for your entire life

I just will do anything literally to make sure I never suffer the anxiety and depression I suffered in my past. Literally anything under the sun or in my living existence to not go back to those dark times. That's why I'm asking to see if someone is on antidepressants their whole life whether that has any side effects or affects them in anyway.

Because I am sort of considering takinf antidepressants for the next 1 or 2 years at least. And possibly even take the medication for my entire life if it works for me.

Community Member
Hi Croix! I certainly do remember you. I started taking my medication on 12th April 2019.so it's been 4 months now.

In terms of how I feel, I feel a world of difference. I have no anxiety no depression. My normal old self is back and I enjoy everything and don't take life for granted anymore. It feels like the gates of heaven have opened for me literally.

I did get a second opinion from 2 other psychiatrists apart from my usual psychiatrist that I see and they recommended that I should continue taking my medication for 2 to 3 years since I've had 15 months of anxiety/depression in 2014 and 3 months of anxiety/depression in 2018.

I'm prepared to even take the medication my whole life. I am willing to do whatever it takes just to make sure I never suffer the anxiety or depression again.

But I just want to do anything it takes to live the best possible life I can.

Community Member
Hi Geoff,

Have you at all ever suffered any health issues or problems as a result of taking the antidepressants for 25 years?

Hi Mikey, no one knows whether we have to take our AD for a year or for the rest of our life, our doctor will determine that and I've been told that I will need to take them forever, that doesn't worry me at all, simply because it's made me feel so much better.

To answer your question, no I haven't suffered from any health issues or any problems although I do get tired, but that's because of my two lots of anti-epiletic medication, so my doctor has told me this is making my tired.

Best wishes.
