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Hard times

Community Member

Well have been suffering from a depressed state

i made my way to doctor to try and get help after talking to friend. 

The doctor put me one medication the first 2 week where hard but stared to feel stronger in myself after 3 weeks my doctor increase the dosage. Then all down hill I had trouble sleeping even if I did sleep felt like I didnt. Felt like something was in my head. I don't want to eat because of hunger but becouse of pure tast so just want sweet and salty food. I returned to doctor after 3 weeks on new dosage doctor said need to stick with it . 

I have felt my life get more down and foggy I have exteamly vivid dreams I wake up and think it's realy then few times I have been at work and I have felt like I'm some where else (feels like 10 min but no one notices) so get confused what and where I'm. 

As I was unhappy with my doctor so I decided to try a new one he basically was confused what I wanted he said you got medication you will get better stick with it. So again I feel like there no help.

after a few weeks I opened up to my friend that not having luck with doctors so she recommended one so here I go again. He sound very understanding and ask questions and was genuine and said that medication need change from evening to morning. And also had blood tests for few basics so after one week felt had some better sleep got my blood results back nothing out of ordinary. So I asked for further help so he said he would send a referral away and they will contact me it's been like 3 weeks. 

Mi feel like I try but don't get anywhere I just feel like want stay a sleep and dream of a better life 😞

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi Gibbo


Welcome to Beyond Blue and thank you for providing your post.


Firstly well done on coming here to seek out some assistance, advice and support.  Also well done to you again for seeking out professional help for yourself – and that’s even to be congratulated further because of the couple of dead-ends that you’ve run into.  It’s great to read that you have been able to keep going to try to seek out someone who’s more appropriate or at the very least compassionate and suitable to you.


Also good to hear that you’ve got a job and that you’re continuing with going to work – please keep doing this – it’s very important for a lot of reasons, but obviously the financial side of things is a biggie.


With regard to the this latest doctor that all sounded so encouraging about the change of your meds from evening to morning;  and for them to obtain a blood test for you.  I’m assuming you went off and got that done, yeah?  With regard to it being 3 weeks since you’ve heard from this Doctor, I’d be ringing them as soon as you can and to make yourself an appointment at the earliest opportunity.  Get back there and discuss how things have been going with you over the last 3 weeks or so and hopefully he’ll have your blood test results as well.


Please keep us updated with how you’re going as well.


Kind regards



Community Member

Yeah I have got my results there was nothing major my cholesterol was touch high.


im just waiting for the referral to see some to talk to and help me. 

Just been waiting 3 weeks for them to call me to make an appointment.

i just feel I'm bugging people to help but it's not working and I don't want to do that.

i just don't want to get up and only reason I have left my bed in past 3 weeks is to work (3 days a week) and to grab so food. 

Mo have tried

end it 2 time in past 3 months but didn't work. I do think about it but I don't want do it becouse what will people think then I think some times that no one cares 


 then I think don't be stupid there are people who care! I have had few changes becouse a bad end to a job that I was friends with owners so has cost me lots of friends. As don't want to be involved with negative people but I can't but feel that I failed. 

Mum trying to study at moment but find it very hard and I'm behind, but make me more sad as I have true passion for what I study and love it. But just feel stupid at present and feel that

nothing is staying in my head. 


Mi feel consumed with fear,

sickness, hatred for life wish I could just run away fare away !


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Community Member
Sorry for my grama ! Sleepyhead, on my phone and dyslexic:-)