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Handling the fatigue during a Low Episode with Bipolar

Community Member

Hey guys, just more here to gather some advice or personal experiences on how to deal with the fatigue during a low episode with bipolar.

Not sure if many of you experience anything similar, but its almost like where your body aches so bad its like you had a flu, and your neck, shoulders, and your whole body really become stiff and sore, and you just sleep and sleep and sleep, and you loose motivation to do anything including cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc etc

Ive tried having baths, and excersising as much as i can to try like combat the feeling of no energy but its really hard when your body aches so bad. Im also diagnosed with adhd, so i take medication everyday, and usually this helps me focus and become a little more energised, but whilst this episode is happening, its like it doesnt even work...

Have any of you found ways to combat this? Or is it more just a ride the wave and wait till it hits the shore kind of thing?

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Community Champion
Community Champion


I have experienced a similar feeling but really tried baths and walks and massages and really tried to watch what I ate and to eat food that gave me energy.

Do you think maybe we do so much when high that our bodies are exhausted and need time to recuperate?
