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Feeling overwhelmed

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I don't know what is going on at the moment ...... i am so overwhelmed; i am struggling to think; struggling to stay focussed.  Too much to think of; I can't do it all.  I thought I was doing okay but now it has hit me and I don't know how to cope.

I feel like I am being strangled by so many things to do; so many things i have to worry about. I can't do this anymore.

I need to take a breath. 


5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi wonderful Jo,

I felt like that yesterday. Our good medical centre booked my wife and I into the local hospital gym as part of the care plan.

We walked in and sat down with a nice younger woman for our interview. The lady looked at me and asked "are you ok"?  I said "no, I dont feel like doing this, it wont last and in a short time I'll discontinue it". She was ok about it and I walked out.

It's sad to have those days. My wife was a little annoyed with me but she has a little way to go to understand I am who I am and adding an activity to my life at this time isnt so good.

Today I'm fine. My cycle of 10 days depression every 2 months has changed down to half a day or a day every month or so due to medication.  You have a cycle also Jo, it is clear to em on this forum. Grab a diary and monitor your pattern. Write it down at the end of each day. Dont ask hubby his opinion of your mood as personal opinion can be based on that days arguement if you know what I mean. It's for you and your doctor. And they will benefit with treating you.

So tomorrow is another day.

Just a thought. I'm 58yo. Say I live till 88yo. That means 30 years left- a long time.  30 years equals 360 months....doesnt sound like a lot of time....it also equals 11,000 days. To me it doesnt sound like a lot of time left on this planet.  It makes me value every day more. This view on time has caused me to try harder to get out of my snappy moods when they come and along with the right medication I can do this easier than ever before.

Just  thought.

Community Member

Hey there Jo

Wowee, I’ve just learnt something – that there are 11,000 days in 30 years!   I’ve also learnt that White Knight has some fantastic knowledge to share in that noggin’ of his and it’s lucky for us that he found this place.  And again, he’s put forward some very wise words – not only for you, but all those of us who read his responses.

Jo, your life, like so many of ours in like we’re on a rollercoaster – and we ride the ups with the downs – and it’s those mongrel downs that hit us hard.  And like a rollercoaster, after spending some time “up”, the plummet to the down-times seems to take hardly any time at all and then it’s such a slow struggle to reach back to the top and those ‘good feelings’ again.

You can do it Jo – you’ve been doing it for so long now – and you WILL continue to do it. 

That’s all – plain and simple.  And you nailed it with your last sentence.  Take a breath – and while taking that breath, make yourself a cuppa tea.



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi WK & Neil

Thanks guys for replying back, I really appreciate your support.

Today I am feeling very anxious, didn't sleep well last night and stomach is churning.  I think it's because we saw a nice house last night and showed the kids but the problem is we can't do anything, as in purchase it, until we sell ours.

I went to work this morning and now I'm home with a throbbing headache and anxiety up.  

Think I will go for a walk with Jersey down the beach; hopefully I won't feel so anxious when I come back.

I really hate when I have those down days and your suggestion WK of writing a daily journal/diary is a good idea.  I think I will start that tomorrow. I've never noticed if I do have a mood cycle - well hang yes I do because every single month I am ready to kill someone that annoys me!! So I guess yes I do have a mood cycle.  But it would be interesting to notice when I have the good days and the bad days.  Good idea WK - thanks for that suggestion.

Thanks Neil and WK


Hi Jo, 

You and me both. All I can tell you is to ride it out, using whatever coping mechanisms you have. Thats what I am doing. I am

 currently working on a big world map jigsaw. It is teaching me all sorts of geography at the same time. 

I can also concur with the mood diary. I have been told too by my doctor and it is hard to get used to the habit of writing it everday, but it does help track your mood cycle. Even if it means hanging up a calendar and drawing a smiley face or unhappy face on a day. 

Thinking of you. 


Hey GA

Thanks for your thoughts and reply.  I'm going to start my own mood diary/chart tomorrow.  I will tell my pysch on Tuesday and tell him what I am going to do. Maybe after a little while doing this I will see a pattern of when my moods are so low or good.

I hope you're okay GA

Jo xx