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Feeling low

Community Member

I've felt low this past week, not feeling like my usual self. I feel alone and isolated. My support system feels non existent. The people in my life who I could depend on to listen are not available. I feel like my life is unbalanced right now, like the scales have been tipped and everything feels heavy and hard to face. Any small thing that goes wrong adds more stress to my body and is hard to process. Hoping that these feelings will pass and thinking of anyone else who is experiencing the same thing right now.  

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Sunflower23,


I am so sorry your felt low this week, we do rely on our support system so much for our mental health, it’s hard when they are not available…I lost mine over a year ago, due to a rise in new mental health cases arising and not enough support workers in my smallish town…


One thing I do is to speak to our lovely and very caring trained counsellors here at Beyond Blue…they are only a phone call away dear Sunflower..please if your feeling you need to talk can you  give them a ring on…1300 224 636, they are available 24/7…until your support system is back for you…


You can talk here as well, if you want to, we are all here for you when we can be……


My kindest thoughts with my care…
