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Ruptured ACL

Community Member

I have been playing sport for as long as I can remember and about a month ago I obtained an injury in one of my footy games. I ruptured my ACL, which meant that I required surgery. 

I am now 3 weeks post surgery and I just feel so lost. I feel like I can’t do anything and I find it so hard to talk about with everyone. My boyfriend has been my absolute rock during this period but I just don’t want to burden him with these feelings. I just don’t know what to do anymore 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear New Member~

'm sorry to hear you have that injury, as an active sport plsying person it must seem so limiting, you simply cna't do what you did before for quite some time.


Just waiting until you cna play again would be a most frustrating and depressing way to be, so really you need to be involved in something else until you get clearance to use your knee as before. Trying to force recovery or resume too fast is not a good idea.


What oyu can do to fill your time and give you a genuine interest is of course something that comes from what you, and possibly your boyfriend, canfind to enjoy and feels worthwhile


As an example -which I'm not suggesting you follow, this is just me - is I attempted to learn hte keyboard. It was inexpensive from a thrift store, books of music came wiht it and I was able to use it wiht a minimum of movement. It certainly occupied me and gave me a sense of achievement to be able to pick out songs. As my situation improved I never did move on to learning chords.


Can you or your boyfriend think of anything suitable?

