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Feeling Flat

Community Member

Hi i'm stuggling with feeling flat. Flat as a tyre.

I suffer with another mental illness which go's hand in hand with depression. Due to my medication I no longer have energy and lack motivation to do anything much at all. I used to have large groups of friends which I slowly lost due to my mental illness and depression interfering. Now days I just feel flat with no interest in much at all in life without many friends. Also this flat feeling quiet often leaves me feeling as if the things I have to say are uninteresting or that I don't have much conversation. My self esteem has taken a great knock when I lost friends. Also not working atm has had me find myself without purpose.

Is there support groups I can join to build new friendships? What do I do about feeling flat? how can I improve myself esteem?

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Elt, welcome to Beyondblue.

It is quite common to have these feelings when suffering from depression and many experience similar side effects from taking the medication. I would suggest going back to your GP to discuss the use of a different anti-depressant and to get a referral to see a psychologist. They will be able to give you some techniques that can help you with your self-esteem and motivation. 

You mentioned that you used to have large groups of friends which suggests that you are more than capable of having interesting conversations and socialising with others. 

If you feel as though you are unable to work at the moment, maybe volunteering one afternoon a week at a place of interest may help. It would not only help keep your mind busy but it may be a chance for you to meet new people and socialise in a quieter/controlled environment. Another option may be to become a "regular" at a local cafe where you can get to know people there. 

When you are feeling this way, it is common to have thoughts of worthlessness, isolation and feeling flat. These thoughts stem directly from the depression and mental illness and it's not you who is creating the thoughts. It can be very difficult but try and challenge your thoughts when they pop up because they can be very irrational and harsh on yourself. 

Beyondblue forum is a great resource for people who are looking for someone to talk to and if you scroll through the website, you will find some useful information on mental illness, support lines and suggestions for managing it. 

Please stay strong and visit your doctor, they will be a great starting place for you. 


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi elt,

Welcome to BB and thanks for reaching out.

I totally agree with what Kennaugh8 has written and just want to add another thought.

One of the things that I struggled with when I was unemployed is finding myself without purpose.  But you give yourself purpose.  You don't lose purpose because you aren't working; you are still worthy and interesting.  Sometimes this can just need a bit of a boost; to find out what sorts of things you are interested in and how you can find yourself interesting again.  This might mean volunteering, or even doing a short course.

I don't know where you are from so it's hard to tell you what support groups are there - but I know you can find heaps through the local council, library or community centre.  It may even help to see if a counsellor or psychologist can link you in in helping you build your self-esteem.

Start small and build up.

Good luck. 🙂