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Feel like giving up

Community Member
I am feeling so lonely and depressed. I have been living with a depressed partner for 5 years and have lost the will to fight any longer. She is so nasty and hurtful. Nothing I can do is good enough. She talks over me and I am shut down any time I try and express my feelings or hurt. I wish I was dead.
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello and welcome to the site and for posting your comment.

Nobody would want that to happen, but I understand the predicament you are facing and certainly can relate to your position.

The situation you are in doesn't seem to be pleasant at all, so can I ask you a couple of questions, and only answer if you want to, it will only make us know a little more,

-are you both buying a property or renting

-are you tied up in a contract for the property

-and is it possible to separate

-and have you considered any joint counselling

sorry to ask these, but we want to help you through this situation.

Take care.
