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Feel completely lost

Community Member
Hi guys,

Not sure where to start.. I'm a 27 year old male, however I feel so lost in life, I find 0 enjoyment in any activities, everything feels like a chore that I need to build up effort to do. My brain is constantly thinking 24/7 about all of lifes stress. Since a young age I've always been a constant worrier, felt like I used to have to walk on eggshells in my house to keep the peace between my brothers & my father (They never got a long)

The early years of my twenties were not too bad, I did suffer a few panic attacks and had anxiety, however I did enjoy life and what it had to offer, now it seems the older I get, the less I enjoy things, I don't see the point in anything.

One of the emotions I do feel is loneliness, I have family that care about me, but my friends are moving on with their life and I'm still yet to find anyone that will give me a chance, I have low self esteem that stems from bullying when I was younger, so I find it hard to trust people when they compliment me.

I've been on medication in the past for my anxiety, however I am strongly considering getting back on it as each day is so bleak I feel like crying and giving up.

I have this constant fear in the back of my mind that I'll be alone forever, I'll be an old man with no family or friends or anyone, and I'll die alone, and it scares the shit out of me.

Does anyone else feel like this, or have any advice? I work full time, I come home and I smoke cannabis as it seems to be the thing that relaxes me, but now I'm not sure if this is adding to making me worse?

I'm just so confused and lost 😞
9 Replies 9

Community Member

Hi Merkles,

It sounds like you're in a terribly disabling place at the moment, and have perhaps been there for some time.

Loneliness is indeed a huge factor in today's very different social climate. As much as I'd love to be able to rattle of the simple solution, it's just not that easy I'm afraid. One thing I will offer on the subject is that loneliness is subjective; the same factors that make one person feel lonely or alone equate to solitude and serenity to another. When we can bridge that gap between our overall sense of wellbeing and place in the world and our fear of loneliness, we can start to view our loneliness as less of a negative. We cope with it better.

I'm 43 now, and used to be a very social person with a lot of friends and acquaintances. Now, outside of my immediate family, I have maybe two people I could call on if I needed to talk - and that's a big maybe as I've never tested the waters there. The concept of loneliness comes and goes for me, and it often depends on how I feel in other areas of my life. I wonder if you were to explore with your GP the option of medication if these senses of wellbeing might mitigate the overwhelming sense of loneliness?

Another thing I will state regarding cannabis use. It simply will not help with any depression or anxiety. Cannabis use will inevitably make worse any symptoms you're experiencing. If you do go back onto medication, it would be really important that you tell your GP that you've been smoking cannabis also.

Thank you for the reply, it was nice to read from someone elses perspective.

I have seen my GP and discussed how I'm feeling, firstly he wanted me to get on medication straight away, however I told him the concerns I have over medication changing who I am (Maybe this is another anxious thought) - He did suggest seeing a psychologist, but again, I struggle when it comes to opening up to people in person. As for the cannabis use, I haven't told my doctor, as since I stopped using alcohol to cope, I kind of turned to pot thinking of it as a safer/better alternative.

I'm thinking maybe I should see the psychologist as it may help me to get my problems out and realise that others go through similar things, it's just that I've spent my whole life trying to help everyone else I care about, when it comes to myself, I have no idea how to help 😕

Community Member

Hey, I totally feel you. I'm also 27 and pretty depressed atm. I HIGHLY recommend seeing a psychologist to help but it doesn't solve all the problems. I've been in therapy since January this year but I'm looking for some support groups to get into because it's important to talk to people in person who understand what you're going through.

I'm on here looking for support too but I think real life connections are irreplaceable. But it sounds like home isn't a great place and you have a lot on your shoulders. Meeting other people can help make you remember how life can feel good and that you are not alone.

I'm happy to chat if you need a friend.

Community Member

Hi Merkles,

I don’t have anything helpful to offer you or say. But I want you to know I’m 27 and feel exactly the same as you. I have the exact same anxieties and stresses. You aren’t alone.

I use exercise to help me with my insecurities and as a relaxer. Personally yoga helps a lot for me. But it can be anything at all. As impossible as it might feel, maybe try to finish work one day and go for a little walk with some music or podcast rather than straight home.

You aren’t alone and you do deserve to be loved.

We can start a 27 year old support club here!

Yes! 🙂

Community Member
Thank you for the replies guys - it's comforting to know others feel the same.

This week I have been taking my dog for a walk every night after work, however once I go home it's back to quiet loneliness.. I did meet a girl who made me feel happy at the start of this year, however it seems she no longer really wants to know me, not exactly sure what I did wrong there 😞

I'll get through this, we all will, some days are just so hard to see anything positive, at least this week I have gone to work everyday, as much as I don't want to be here, it's probably best to take my mind off things.

Hi Merkles,

Well done.😆 on going to work everyday. As much as I don't initially want to go I find it helps to focus on something else.

Taking your dog for a walk is another positive you've accomplished. Keep up the great effort.


Community Member

Hi Merkles,

I'm an old fart living with the black dog too.

Like MM, I can recommend getting out and involved, be it a job, volunteer work or helping a friend.

Helping others makes you feel useful and when you meet someone worse off than yourself you do view yourself differently.

I think an exercise reflecting on what you have helps too. Is there no one you can talk to ?.

Self medication bites you in the bum !.

Mr H