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...I'm not sure exactly how to start or where to begin. I'm at a place in my life where I am completely lost and feeling worthless.
Hi all, this is my first time posting and reaching out on an online forum. I'm 26 and currently my depression is becoming hard to deal with. I feel empty. I've lost interest in all the things I use to love: reading, writing, cooking, music. I even find it difficult to sit and watch a tv series these days. I have already reached out to my GP who referred me to a psychologist, however, financially I just can't afford it anymore (I've only attended 2 sessions). I've reach out to my psychologist with this issue and she has offered to only charge me a concession fee, which is amazing, however I still just can't afford it (the rebate simply just takes too long to get back to me).
I have next to no friends any more, my family are going through a hard time financially and emotionally. My father already suffers chronic depression (due to a broken back) and my mum is always stressed. I haven't told either of them about my issues or that I was even seeing a psychologist. I've lost contact with my best friend due to our changing lives. She just had a baby and our relationship has suffered greatly due to a number of issues that have occurred in the last year. My dog passed away a year ago, and things have just never been the same. And, I know a lot of people may not understand but losing my dog was harder than losing my best friend - because he was my best friend (I was definitely that weird girl that had next to no friends and preferred to hang out with her dog).
My boyfriend recently bought a cafe and so has little time these days. He says he wants to help me but doesn't seem to be acting on those words. I think he really does want to help me but doesn't know how, and I don't know how to tell him what I need. I don't even know what I need.
I start uni in a few weeks, a bachelor in events management. I was excited when I first applied and received my acceptance letter, however I've gone back to feeling nothing toward it. I feel alone and unimportant. I find it hard to think positively about what uni has to offer me (education, career opportunities, friendships, etc) and instead find myself thinking I am unlikable and too old for uni, and worry I will continue to have no friends or life goals.
I apologize now for the long post but I really just needed to get this off my chest. Thanks.
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Dear Bxmrie
Welcome to Beyond Blue, and well done for reaching out.
The good thing about Beyond Blue, compared to a psychologist, is that you don't need an appointment, you can share your feelings here at any time of the day or night, and it doesn't cost nearly as much.
Losing a pet is like losing a family member. I too have lost a few pets in my time, and it's just a devastating as losing a human. I had a Great Dane for 12 years - I referred to her as my 'sobriety baby'. I also had a cat for 15 years; cat and dog were the best of friends and they would sleep together in a cuddle. I now have another cat, but I will always miss my Princess girl (the Great Dane) and my Jackson boy (my cat), even though I have another cat.
Maybe you could consider getting yourself another pet? Pets are great company, and great therapy too! Well, I think so. I know that another pet will not 'replace' the one you had, but could certainly be a great addition to your life? And might help you to adjust to life without the pet you lost. Every pet has his/her own personality, so of course they won't be the same .... but they will certainly be good to have around!
Of course, I'm not a professional of any kind, just another animal love like yourself. My cat is my 'baby' and God help anyone who tells me she is 'unimportant' ..... I actually chose to have pets over having human children, and have never regretted that decision for even a millisecond!
And as for that course you've enrolled to do, gosh, I would love to do something like that! Maybe once you start and get into it a bit more, you may get some of that spark back.
Also, and I don't want this to sound trivial, but I have found Vitamin B to be a helpful booster for my moods and my concentration. I too have suffered depression off and on during my life, and found that I always did better when taking Vitamin B.
And walking. Walking is good for you in so many ways. It gets all those 'happy chemicals' going in your brain. Even if it's just a walk around the block. It's better than sitting around and giving all those negative thoughts free rent space in your head.
Anyway, just wanted you to know that you are heard here, and that anytime you want to post here, please feel free to do so. We're listening. Take care. I hope all that helps at least a little. xo