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Do you have someone who can do this for you?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Depression Nest
10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Wow!  That really hits the spot.

I wish I had someone like that. 


Community Member

Beautiful message Chris.

Beautiful support.


Community Member
I had a beautiful mental health nurse who did this for me, that feeling of safety so that no one can see you is a huge relief!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Christopher,

Your message has brought tears to my eyes! How many of us are just longing for someone to treat us this way! To realise that we are hurting, that we don't know how to help ourselves at times, and that we just need someone to be there, to show us love, affection and understanding!

Thanks from Mrs. Dools

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Chris

I wish there was someone like that for me, this is what I so need badly and don't get - it made me cry. 

Thanks for this special and beautiful message.


Community Member
This is great, so wish there was someone I could talk to, and who would do this for me sometimes.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

This Made me Cry I wish I had someone like that...

Thank you for your Beautiful post

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
dear Christopher, you're hit the right spot with this it's fantastic, well done, and again I have to thank you so much because as soon as you came to the site the improvement has been enormous. Thank you so much. Geoff.

Community Member
where do we find someone like that?