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Did I make the right/wrong decision. very depressed now.

Community Member

Just recently quit my new job after only 2 months, I was made redundant before this that why I took this job in a hurry and the stress just keep piling up.

I can't handle the company expectations for this new job and my spouse want me to take break whilst I look for the next job. Never been unemployed before since 2005 and never had an annual leave since 2013.

Now I'm seriously depressed and doubting myself for making such decision on quitting my job. I am not confirdent that I will get another one quickly.

7 Replies 7

Community Member


I hear you’re feeling really down at the moment and second guessing your decision to quit your job. I completely relate to going over things in your head so many times that it starts to make you question everything.

Putting your own health above the possibly unrealistic expectations of the company you worked for is completely okay. Being at a job where you’re unhappy and stressed can start to impact other areas of your life as well. I’m guessing that you thought about your decision before doing it, and it sounds like this decision was the best one for you at the time.

You mention that you’re not confident that you will find another job quickly – from what you said it sounds like you’ve had a good history of employment and a strong work ethic. Have you been applying for jobs since you left your previous one?

It sounds like your spouse would be supportive of you even if you took a bit of extra time to find a job that suits your needs… what kinds of things has your partner said about the situation? I know everyone has different financial obligations, but do you feel like you’re putting a lot of extra pressure on yourself to find a job as soon as possible? Sometimes it might be helpful to think about what you might say to a friend in this situation – we’re often a lot more critical of ourselves compared to others.

Talk soon

Community Member


Good on you for reaching out for starters.

Ive been talking in another thread titled “new job” maybe you can google or try to find that thread too, a couple of us have been talking about leaving new jobs, redundancy etc.

It sounds like you’ve worked very hard for a long time- maybe your body is telling you that you need a break?

Have you reached out and spoken to a professional ?

Hope you feel ok to keep chatting on these threads. I find they help lots


Community Member

Hi Swan.13

Thank you so much for your reply. I have been applying even before I resigned, I made through to some interview with agents and an actual company interview however none of them looks very promising at this stage.

My wife is trying her best to stay positive about the situation. Our financial status and obligations are not that great either. we have a very small savings just enough to get us by for a couple of months. But I have to admit I am very critical and very hard on myself. everyone around me noticed it too that i have the tendency to kick myself.

Community Member

Hey again JRRL,

It sounds like you’ve been taking a very active approach to looking for a new job. You didn’t waste any time and started looking even before you resigned - I really see that strong work ethic coming through again. Even if none of these current opportunities look promising at the moment, you are increasing your chances by being so active.

When your inner critic kicks in, remind yourself that you are taking charge of the situation and doing something about it. We all have the tendency to be quite harsh on ourselves - it’s helpful if we can catch those thoughts as they happen and try and reframe them to focus on the constructive things we’re doing.

Have you got any other supports around you in addition to your wife?

Community Member

Thanks Nervy.

I had a couple of professional counseling but not in relation to this matter. Panic attacks and anxiety runs in our family unfortunately :(. Thank you for the Thread suggestion I will look into it ASAP :).

Community Member

Hi Swan.13

Thank you for the compliments, it really means a lot to me.

I have a lot of emotional support from my family, but I don't want to rely on them for financial support.

Even my father offered some money but I declined, he just got laid-off as well.

Community Member

You're welcome JRRL... I'm glad that they mean something to you. It's hard to recognise the good things we are doing and sometimes it takes for someone else to point them out to realise.

I'm glad you have that emotional support from your family but completely understand your drive to be financially independent.

I hope you are able to speak some kind words to yourself today and gain a sense that you are not alone by reading through the other threads as suggested by Bella as well... You're in a challenging situation right now but there's nothing to say that it won't get better - I'm holding that hope for you 🙂