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Depression: dog vs black dog

Community Member

Some guy elsewhere in this forum, asked the question "How would we describe depression if it were a physical creature.

What a sensible question to ask.

The guy who asked, must be an intelligent guy, a guy with a future of success.

I can answer that question, but would first like to remind everyone that many famous

and successfull persons have experienced depression. (Burton and Taylor come to mind)

Indeed it seems likely that depression is a precursor to success, even to victory, in most dramatical terms.

The late Winston Churchill himself said he had been afflicted by deep depression for much of his life.

He called it Blackdog.

Therefore I will call it that too, when considering it as the "physical creature". Most human beings can relate to the dog, and will recognise the animal as being of varying temperament according to breed. The wolf is a dog, as is the dingo. Likewise the poodle, the pekinese and the labrador.

On the one hand, we have the wild feral destructive canine, whilst on the other we have the loveable domesticated pet.

Clearly therefore, depression can be represented by the dog.(Blackdog).

It is, all dogs, merged into one.

The loveable domesticated pet today, and a destructive feral  tomorrow.

If you own a dog, you train it. If you do not do that it will not become the loveable domestic pet you may desire. It may become something different entirely. It will likely become a menace, in fact.

The first step in training the animal is to treat it in precisely the same way as you would like it to treat you.

That way, the dog will become your friend - and yes, blackdog can be that too.

In training your dog, you feed it morsels of reward, treats or titbits if you like, when it behaves/responds as you would like it to.

Blackdog is no different.

Returning to Winston Churchill, Did he win World War II ? No of course not, but he was a leader and inspirer amongst allies, perhaps guided by Blackdog, the friend.

Blackdog, is no longer my demon.

I might be again one day, and if it is, I'll just remove the cause, if I can.

My pain is now greatly reduced, because of that. I even jog a bit now, (when walking).

I have to, in order, to keep up with a friendly blackdog, which is running ahead of me. (metaphorically speaking) 

If it can be true in my case, Why not yours ?




111 Replies 111

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi sea n sky,

I should clarify the book we read was my daughters picture book ,more to keep her occupied 🙂  Youre right, everyday cannot be an up day and i need to remember that applies to everyone.  so this morning my fav barista was there he seemed a bit formal but you know what, I can't expect a joke everytime, I am not the only one who need his attention.  I think I can become too attached too quickly, I have to remember this is just a person with a great personality doing their job, it not personal.  he may have other things on his mind too, study etc.  im also suffering a little from lack of sleep, the little ones kept me up a bit so that is not helping me and it im sure it shows and rubs off anyway I don't know I can only try and be positive and remember the world does not revolve around me.

Gopal, I will have a good read of your post again so I can absorb it properly and have a think.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


What did you do to make your girlfriends life miserable? you mentioned in another post that she blamed you to clear her own conscience, so how is it your fault?  I too feel guilty for making someones life miserable but he brought it on himself and forced me into a position where I felt I had no choice. I should have walked away but I kept fighting.  I regret that at times.

I agree that maybe your job is making you depressed. I assume you stay on site and commute 5 days on 5 days off or something like that? are you too cut off from the world do try and enjoy some things?  do you have the chance to exercise your mind while at the mines?

Community Member


WOW, just look at what you have done !!!!

You have made an excellent contribution to this thread.

You are now at the stage whereby you are helping others.

That is enormous progress - congratulations.

You have experienced it yourself, but now you are beginning to pass that experience  on to others so they can benefit from you.

Hopefully that will make you feel really good today. It's more progress - a big step forward in fact..

Well done.

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo. 🙂



Community Member

Two-fold answer here:

Firstly to Dear CMF:

You have not made anyone else’s life miserable.  No way – it is this man that treats YOU so horribly that is the problem.  Not you.


To Dear Gabriela

This thread is really exploding – and that’s nothing to do with any explosives being used in the mining industry, as mentioned a few posts above.  🙂

It’s just simply to say that this thread is well and truly alive – but just wanted you to know that your post wasn’t missed.

Guilt is an awful emotion to suffer from.  I know it only too well – unfortunately.  I am pleased to hear that you and your therapist are acting on it and working towards a hopeful solution or at least some mechanisms for being able to handle it.

Now Gabriela – you mention when you do things wrong.  EVERYBODY makes mistakes – everybody can do wrong things and make wrong decisions/choices;  and as you say these are done by accident or not.  But we all do – what I’m trying to say is, you are not alone with this.  It’s a human characteristic – I guess it’s down to how we deal with them and respond to them will be then how much it affects us (or not).  It’s a matter of looking at it very seriously and deciding how many people will be affected by it and in what way?

I’m open to hearing anything you’d like to share – but that is something only you can do and I fully respect any decision you wish to make on that.

Kind regards


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thx sea n sky and neil,

Sea n sky, yes it does make me feel good,  i still feel empty and a little disconnected but maybe not so alone.

its funny how I log in and feel disappointed when there are no new posts.

Community Member


That's fantastic that it makes you feel good.

So much better than always feeling down.

YOU ARE ON THE MEND - your trajectory is upward - that's what's important.

There will be dips again as you move forward, but the trend is upwards.

IT Works -  and is especially good when you are seen to be advising others who perhaps can't yet see things as clearly as you now so obviously are.

Depression is all about thoughts - Control is the key - just like driving a car - you have to learn somehow. Sometimes you can't do it all on your own, but you are sure  now heading in that direction, and accelerating  - I can tell.

You said it yourself, "It makes you feel good". 🙂

Keep it up !!!!!



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I'm not sure if this should be in this post or my other one. 

Oh well little black dog is here. 

If I don't feed it, it will go away right?

its the weekend I can feel my anxiety building as it always does because there is an expectation that I may go to his/his parents house with our little one. He doesn't pressure me but there is a very slight hint but there hasn't been any pressure. He has been doing heaps to help me and I feel awful that I can't reciprocate by going there just for a bit so they can see their granddaughter. I just don't want to do it. He mentioned buying a high chair for their house. I told him I didn't want to go there to eat that I can Barley handle 1/2hr he said ok just come for 1/2 hr. I really don't know what they expect, seriously what just forget everything. I guess it's easy to forget when your the one throwing the dagger, not the one receiving it  

hope my little coffee shop is good today otherwise I'll sink lower 😞

Community Member

errrr - No. (CMF)

Not necessarily so.

If you don't feed it - it may feed itself.

If you do feed it, it will begin to like you.

Blackdog as a friend, is by far, the preferable option.

It is desireable, in fact.

You can make it so.

  • Stare it down.
  •  show no fear.
  •  smile at it.
  •  whisper in it's ear.
  •  expose yourself to it, a little a first, gradually increasing the periods of exposure.
  • Get used to it, become comfortable with it.
  • It will become a good friend - in due course.




Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

thx sea n sky

Ok, yes i need to accept it. you know the bridge is there with his family but I can't get over it, I fall into the water below and drown.

anyway, gorgeous day in Melbourne, went for my walk to my little coffee shop (really tried to leave the black dog behind) sat outside and would you believe there was another man sitting outside and he had A BLACK DOG! I mean a real life dog.

haha how ironic, I found it quite funny. well she was a very friendly dog, sniffed at our feet and just sat and watched us.

Was this a sign, I mean it could have been any dog but no it was a black one. it means something im sure.

anyway I feel like doing more shopping so off I go.

Community Member

Well that is just wonderful CMF.

A friendly, well behaved, funny and obedient black dog.

What more could you ask for ?

I can see you are really making good progress now,

Soon I expect, you'll have to re-register, with a name change,

"Can't stop moving forward"  - comes to mind, or maybe " Can't hold back".

Gradually extending those periods of exposure will make increasingly more comfortable each time - Yes even enjoyable - believe me.

Have a great day shopping.

I'm off to a BBQ tonight and will watch the Edinburgh Military Tattoo on the ABC. It's a great show, more so when you are there, but on T.V. it's generally great also.  

Aye indeed. There's a fine lassie. (She was a black dog as well - a Scottish Sheep dog - with some white. Faithfull and true to the end.)

And I nearly forgot "Greyfriars Bobby", but I don't think that one was black,  - just a little bit black, with some brown. Now there's a story to tell your child - sad but really rather special.

