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Darkness of Depression

Community Member
My g.p has told me l have depression, why is that so difficult for me to accept. I feel too broken to be fixed, unable to help myself anymore or believe that l deserve to be helped. I spend my days in the car the only place l feel safe away from the world. Through the fog and emptiness l watch myself slide into the deepest depression, consumed by hopelessness. Trying to find the strength to get help.
21 Replies 21

Community Member
While its not possible to participate in the simplest aspects of life, why do l keep trying I'm just setting myself up to fail over and over.... 

Community Member
Hi Karen,

We have all asked ourselves that countless times! Why bother? Why keep going when life is so painful. But everyone on here is reaching out for a reason- because for some reason, despite all of our sickness we still hold some sort of hope in our hearts. I was saying to someone in another post their is a quote I heard over the weekend  "Everything will be all right in the end. So if it is not all right, it is not yet the end."

I know, we all know, that right now it feels as though it's all too much. Just when you are feeling on track something happens, or nothing happens, and those thoughts just flood back. And you wake up each day hurting, almost not wanting to sleep because you wake up crying and having to face another day. But please know we all need each other to get through this. Because if we all gave up we wouldn't be able to pull each other through these times. We need you my friend. Don't forget that you are amazing and we need you.

Love always,
