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Can’t leave the house

Community Member
For the past month I’ve been too depressed to go to school. Every new week I promise myself I’ll go but I keep putting it off and when I wake up, I get so anxious about it I force myself back to sleep to calm down. I don’t know what to do anymore and I’ve gotten numerous calls from my school asking where I am. I don’t live with my parents anymore and I’ve found that without the pressure of authority it’s hard to get anything done. Does anyone have any tip on how I can overcome this? I need to keep going to school but the thought of it makes me so scared I want to cry, and it feels like there’s a weight in my chest
11 Replies 11

Thank you so much for the continued support, I appreciate this so much. I managed to go out into town today which I haven’t done in well over two weeks, and I’m hoping if I slowly get used to it I’ll be more comfortable leaving the house. I also bought a new pair of glasses while I was out so hopefully that will help motivate me to go to school, because I really love planning outfits and showing them off.

I’m also working on getting my sleep schedule in order to make sure I’m getting enough rest each nigh that I’m not tired in the mornings. I’m going to make a plan to eat breakfast too, which I hope will help me start my day on a more positive healthy note.

I’ll continue to post updates on how I’m doing, I feel like this is really helping me cope.

Hi Shel,

Always good to hear your updates 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to write and you’re most welome of course...

Well done on going out into town! That’s a huge achievement. I really hope you’re feeling very proud of yourself. I certainly am 🙂

Great thinking, yes, maybe if you get used to being out in town, it will eventually make going to school easier. Gentle and easy does it...one day at a time...

Your new glasses sound wonderful. I agree with you that styling outfits/playing with style can help boost motivation (plus self confidence). I personally really enjoy fashion, like many other people, as a means of creative expression 🙂

Working on your sleep schedule and breakfast plans? Great work! I love your plans and I admire your determination. I hope you celebrate each step you take to move forward. Even if you stumble and fall sometimes, that’s okay...try again another day...

Once again, well done 🙂

Looking forward to your next update.

kind and caring thoughts,
