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Can depression last a life time?

Community Member

I am a 30 year old female, and have had chronic depression since 2013. I had been put on antidepressants, and yes, they do help a bit and make the depression not so horrible to bear. If anything, it stabilises my emotions and the anxiety that comes with it.

I am scared though, because it's been nearly 5 years and I still haven't "recovered". The things I get depressed over are fears of my loved ones dead, homelessness and being alone all my life. Until 2013, I never used to think about these things to the extent I do now, and certainly never used to let it bother me to the point where I get panic attacks or start crying.

I'm still working out if I'm dealing with a possible lifetime of depression or maybe these thoughts are normal, and everyone thinks them?

The good news is, since 2015, I have gained control over depression and had found happiness in my activities again by building up on small pockets of enjoyment, until those pockets of enjoyment start growing and fill the hole in my heart again.

So while I'm dealing with life a lot better (and mostly done this on my own efforts), I still sometimes have the odd night when I crawl to bed because I don't want to face anything, and think about upsetting things that I believe I must face one day.

Can depression last a life time?

10 Replies 10

Community Member
ScarlettR I can relate to your post on so many levels. I can’t offer you much advice as I’m still struggling but all I can say is hold onto hope and keep doing those things that bring you enjoyment. Here for you x