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Community Member
Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with BPD. Ever since my diagnosis I feel so much worse. I feel crazy. I No longer socialise as I am scared of how I will react if something is said to me or something happens out of my control. I have a supportive husband but I have ruined most of my other relationships. I overreact and then no one likes me and I am too scared to return. I have had a decent job for 4 years now but this week have had an argument with someone and feel as though my response has ruined that too. I feel as though I should be institutionalised so that I don’t ruin everyone else’s lives around me. Why can’t I just let things go and react like everyone else? When will I learn my lesson? I feel as though I have no hope. I have a few odd friends but I just wonder how long it will take for me to ruin those relationships too.
5 Replies 5


Hey Double B,

Wishing you a warm welcome to the forums. It takes a lot of courage to be so open and honest with your feelings, and we are so glad that you decided to reach out here today. We can hear how overwhelmed you must be feeling, but please know that you've come to a safe, non-judgemental space and our community is here to support you through this difficult time. Can we ask if you are currently receiving mental health support? We understand it can be really tough to cope sometimes, especially if you struggle to open up to family or friends. If you'd like some extra support, we'd really recommend reaching out to the Beyond Blue Support Service. They are available to you anytime, 24/7, by phone on 1300 22 4636 or through Webchat (3pm-12am AEST) on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport One of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you and can offer support, advice and referrals to help you through this.

In addition to this, the kind counsellors at Lifeline and the Suicide Call Back Service are always available during your most difficult moments:

We hope you can find some comfort in the words of kindness and support that our community can offer. Please feel free to keep updating us here on your thread on how you're going, whenever you feel ready.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi DoubleB,

Thank you for getting in touch with the supportive forums at Beyond Blue.

I have friends with BPD and have never considered them 'crazy' - usually I can relate to the intensity of what they are feeling and respect that it is generated within themselves and not at me personally. Have you let your friends know of your diagnosis? There is no shame in having a condition and friends are then able to relax any thoughts of how they may have upset you.

Saying/doing the wrong thing is not exclusive to you - we all make gaffs at times, although in your condition, you are likely to do it more often. That's not the issue here, however, as it is how you address these indiscretions that will restore harmony among friends and family. Burying your head in the sand will only elevate feelings of self doubt and may even upset your friends through your absence. You seem to have clarity around your condition, so explaining what you wanted to say or simply making apologies and moving on, will satisfy friends of your good intentions.

With practice, you are sure to accept yourself in the process and preempt rumblings in time.

Kind regards,


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi DoubleB,

Just thought - Kazzl's "This Bipolar Life" thread in Staying Well is well worth a read...


- t.


BPD is usually borderline personality dudirder nit bipolar but people do get confused.

DoubleB do you mean Borderline personality disorder.

doubkeb yiu are brave in reaching out and I know things can be difficult.

Thanks Quirky, my bad.