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Today I have been diagnosed with bipolar.
im not really sure where to go from here. The doctor gave me some pills but I'm not sure what to do or who to talk to.
Do I tell people or keep it to myself?
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Hi there Scooteraus
Welcome to Beyond Blue.
Do I tell people or do I keep it to myself? That’s a huge question … and really only one that you can know how to properly answer. Do you feel that you’ve got family close enough to talk to about it? Maybe a partner, or a bro or sis? Or if you have a close relationship with your parent(s), then that is another possibility. Dare I say, even a close friend.
You’ve also said you’re not sure what to do? Apart from giving you the script for medication, did your doctor not give you any other advice on what other things you could do, or other steps for you to take, etc?
Kind regards
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Hi Neil,
thank you for your reply. I have told my best friend and flat mate who has come to all the doctors appointments with me.
I have been seeing a psychologist for a while and did not find that helpful at all so seeing a psychiatrist.
My doctor is amazing but the information download was to much and I'm now on 3 different tablets a day.
i feel very alone and not ashamed to say a bit scared.
thank you
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I know it's been a lil while since you first posted, I was wondering how you were doing since your first post?
I was diagnosed several years ago, only I'm not sure which type bipolar I have, maybe they told us but I forgot? (Bad memory is a main component of my symptoms)
I have no idea what strategies/treatments you were suggested or how you went in being able to understand-take in all the info you were given, but don't force or rush yourself. It can take some time to sort out and learn how you will be able to manage symptoms etc.
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Hi Scooteraus,
I have bipolar 2 with a few niggling aspects of no.1. I've been managing it effectively for about 4 years now, and it took me a little while to get the balance of medication right. My family in law who live here in sydney have given me the hardest time and judgement, have not helped greatly, because they don't really believe in mental health and illness. They think I should "snap out of it". I retort "if I could I would". Bottom line is some people can deal with it some can't.
The one issue I have is anxiety. I have severe reactions to conflict, being put down, and over the past 2 years I have lost 4 jobs, one was a contract that ran its course, one was a "bad fit", one was just the wrong skill set and the last one I was bullied solidly for 8 weeks and when I complained I was fired for being unsuitable. This has affected my self esteem dramatically, and as a result of the bullying, I now suffer anxiety. I was stable with the medication, and am looking for a good and affordable psychologist (I'm on Newstart currently so quite poor). My advice is stay on the meds and it they don't work after a bit, or you get a rash, change. Everyone is different and we all want to think we can do it naturally, but it's like having a bacterial infection. The medicine works so take it, but with bipolar you can't stop taking it as you will regress and feel like crap again. Find a kind and clever psychiatrist, and get the right combination of drug to stabilise the highs as they are exhausting and to pick you lows up (its a relief to let those go too). My other piece of advise is don't tell many people. They just don't understand, and there is still a massive stigma and it is like it is contagious. Tell the people closest to yu to help keep you on track, and if you stay on meds no one will know or needs to know.
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Hi everyone,
I've suffered from anxiety/depression for quite sometime now and my family has raised concerns about it. They have told me that they think I have bipolar. I've been reading about it and only some of it rings alarm bells, how do you get a diagnosis? I went through the motions in 2014 but was told I don't have it,but my family are convinved so I'm seeking a second opionion because if I do have it,I want the right treatment to suit my life. I have moved away from home now,to see if I could take note of my own emotions and behaviours. Anti depression medication makes my anxiety go through the roof,to the point where I actually can't function properly. I just feel the psych I saw wasn't digging deep enough and some of my family members have it too. I really want answers so I can gain an understanding of my mental needs.
Thanks for reading xxx
Therese 🙂
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Hi there Therese
Welcome! I'm bipolar ii and diagnosed November 2016 so still a newbie!! This was after around 8 months or so of incorrectly diagnosed as depression.
I definitely believe the diagnosis should come from a psychiatrist. Whilst GPs are great and may have an idea of various types of mental health conditions, the psychiatrist is the specialist in the field. So go to the top.
I had my initial consultation with a psychiatrist which was 1.5hours where I was fully assessed. He then interviewee my husband for my behaviours etc I then had to keep a mood chart for around 2 months and was started in bipolar specific medication.
The improvement was massive. The ADs on their own were making worse. So we all think it was the right diagnosis for me. Finally.
If you go to the black dog institute you can download a mood chart to fill in. There's also apps out there too. Start completing this to give a picture of what your mood are like.
See the GP and get a referral to a psychiatrist.
Good luck x
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Scooter Hi 🙂
You're still the same person you were yesterday 🙂
It's a lot easier knowing what's going on to be able to work through it
I'm BP type 1 & 2 .
I talk to people a lot about it for education, MI has a stigma, but people can't understand support hopefully or know until they know. Haven't had any adverse responses as yet.
It's all a bit of a shock atm for you understandably but that'll settle. I suggest research, there's a lot of info out there & if you suss different places ya get other bits too which is helpful.
Personally I think everything should be talked about for understanding. Should have been yrs ago. We're here to learn & improve I reckon. People should know, it's illness, mental not physical though it pounds us both ways.
I believe we can get control over depression working from our heads, meds, psych help, support
Over the yrs I managed to get the super highs (not hallucinations or grand deur) down to a dull roar but how good are they, dull roars magic too. Through meditation when I could concentrate, surprisingly got it working pretty fast.
I imagined there's a rod going down from neck to top of legs. like electricity branches coming off sides.
Directed the pump to the rod & outta my body.
Think it's adrenalin, needs an out.
It is scary how powerful our emotions are, how deep we go with pain.
When we learn to control our emotions should be one way of finding peace & being happy. Hard but do-able
good you came here 🙂
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Hi all Scooter how are you doing, hope to see you again here sometime to know how you're getting along.
A lot of very good input in this thread, hope it's helping you through.
Therese: Clinical psychologists can diagnose too but as mentioned here psychiatrists are at the top of the chain & deal with diagnosing and meds mainly to my understanding
You sound like you're working at dealing with this, good on you, it's hard but I really do believe we can get on top of this powerful emotional turmoil.
With Bipolar (BP) if prescribed anti depressants we need to be closely monitored because they lift up the mood, which can put us in a cycle (episode).
The stress is major going through cycles, our emotions are super heightened with so much going on.
Be interested to hear how you get on
Miss Givings; Hi, Can relate to most of what you're saying. Usually don't suffer anxiety but have had bouts, pretty bad ones but have been able to recognise what's going on and talk myself down by kinda saying to myself snap out of this I don't wanna go there and I'm not, also concentrating on breathing steadily helps too.
In law family sound like bad news and yeah pulling you down, I'd be avoiding contact as much as po. closed minds are often through ignorance.
The best people to be around are those we feel comfortable with.
It really frustrates me when people say there's no such thing as mental illness, they're clueless but I talk to people openly about BP a lot for education, we all need to be understood and truth the stigma remains but imo the more people know & get understanding could reduce it.
So far surprisingly haven't had adverse reactions,not to my face anyway 🙂
I've done a reasonable amount of research from different sites, pamphlet info & mostly with insight, to get on top of it if we understand what's going on then we can go from there.
Liking ourselves for confidence
Emotional control
stress release, needs to be controlled emotionally or released, manifests & pulls us down (excercise, art, creativity, meditation, sport)
keep keeping on guys, we'll get there, gotta believe aye