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BIPOLAR - The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Community Member

The Good - crazy good feelings, like a sunny day in the middle of winter and The Beach Boys song - Do It Again, comes on the car radio and BOOM, I turn it up my whole body is beaming and Im wearing a great big scary smile and Im animated singing and then I realise that no one else in the car is on my fantastic bipolar wave length.

The Bad - medication cocktails and owning both a fat and a thin waredrobe and actually preferring the type and style of clothes available for bigger people.

The Ugly - being arrested for mistaking my birthday suit for my boiler suit, as euphoric as I was I thought the public photographing me were fans who had come to greet me.

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion


Thanks for starting this thread and sharing your experiences and behaviours of bipolar.

What I used to think was good, I found out was full of riskt taking and telling people off and destroying friendships but at the time I felt really special and full of energy.

Not only did I own a fat and thin wardrobe I had a saints and sinners wardrobe, the saintly one was neck to knee discreet colours and everything covered while my sinners wardrobe was flimsy colourful with much exposed skin! I was much younger then.

How are things now for you?

There is a thread called this bipolar life that you may like to have look it.


Community Member

Hello Quirky and thanks for taking a moment to reply

I'm all thumbs with PC's and now with what you all call threads but I am certain to stumble about and find the way.

Your wardrobe sounds hilarious I do enjoy having a laugh and you provided well. Bipolar Life I can remember that easily. Thanks again