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Am I experiencing depression?

Community Member


I’m not too sure this will be a good idea to find out about what I’m suffering since I have no courage to see my GP. Basically I have been so sad, feel so lonely and don’t wanna do anything. I could not sleep thoughout the night. I have been thinking of my mum almost every day She passed away in 2012. My life lately has been so difficult. I’m struggling with living and more importantly with relationship. I often think about sleeping away and never have to wake up to face those problems. Apart from that I’m still doing ok with my job. But when I’m alone or have a fight with my partner My thought would drift in to negative side. I never told anyone even my family. Am I just being sad or am I depressed?

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Good evening Double P,

Firstly welcome to the forums, it's great you've come to seek some support, always remember you're not alone. The beyondblue forums can be used to express any worries/concerns and issues that you encounter while knowing you're not being judged but supported by others going through similar problems.

I'm so sorry to hear that your mum passed away, my condolences. Losing a loved one can be soo hard, especially when you love them with all your mite. It's always hard to look past a death; days go by alone when all you can think about it that loved one. I ultimately get what you're going through and hope it gets better.

You mentioned that you drift into a negative side, please remember there is always someone there willing to listen to you. Help is always available through Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14. If you feel in danger or have strong thoughts of ending your life, make sure to contact 000 immediately.

Being lonely can be super hard to deal with, rest assured DoubleP you're not alone on these forums. Do you have any other family or friends you can reach out to for support even just getting out of the house? Even just a close friend can mean so much and do amazing things for your mental wellbeing.

Don't let everything build up till you explode; it's seriously not good for you, it doesn't work. It causes unnecessary pain that you don't seem to need right now. Maybe just maybe think about the idea of speaking to someone close to you, see how it works out. I will commend you for jumping on the forums and talking to us about what's going on.

Sleeping your life away isn't fun. It isn't productive, nor are you living your full potential. I'd like to see you get out of bed each day, with a smile on your face. That'll be our goal in 12 weeks.

It's good to see you're doing well in your job, keep it up.

I suggest speaking to your partner about what's going on; if you feel uncomfortable doing that, definitely reach out to your GP or even have a chat to a psychologist, there's only one way to find out if it works. But remember one solution doesn't fit all.

I think there's something more profound than just a sadness P, I wish you the best of luck and am looking forward to your response.

Remember there's no going back, only forwards. Keep on pushing.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Double P, can I welcome you to the site and appreciate C's good reply.

I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your mum, memories of being together can remind you of all the wonderful time you had with each other.

Having a long period of being sad may mean you have depression, although we aren't qualified to say, however after having it for so long ourselves it would be no different than telling our brother or sister whether or not you have depression.

From what you have told us is that you're having trouble with your relationship and perhaps this is causing you to feel depressed, but you need to see a doctor who can give you a diagnosis, then they want to prescribe medication and refer you onto a psychologist, but I'd like to hear back from you. Geoff.