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Acronym meanings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I know there's a few that I don't know but ask what they are so assuming others too may not know


Learnt recently that BPD = Bipolar Disorder can be confused with BPD= Borderline Personality disorder so the poster puts PD= personality disorder (good thinking)

74 Replies 74

NDIS...National Disability Insurance Scheme

NDIA...National Disability Insurance Authority

DV...Domestic Violence

MIA...Missing in Action (or away for the day)

AWOL...Away With-Out Leave

STD...Sexually Transmitted Disease

MPD/DPD...both refer to Multiple or Duel Personality Disorder

Mental health acronyms...
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness.
NEA/BPD - National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder.
NC - No Contact.
NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health.
NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

A few random one's there, but I've used them all.

Sez x

CSA- child sexual abuse/assult

SA- sexual assult/abuse

Thx lovelies .Sez great in A-Z good thinking MH section (Y)

BP........ Bipolar
BPD..... Bipolar disorder
BPD......Borderline Personality Disorder
BD........Borderline Disorder (Starting dropped the D cause it gets mistaken with Bipolar Disorder)
CA......? Child abuse (does anyone know different?
DSP .....Disability support Pension
DV.........Domestic Violence
GAD......Generalised Anxiety Disorder
MIA.......Missing in Action (or away for the day)
MH........Mental Health
MI.........Mental Illness
MPD/DPD...both refer to Multiple or Duel Personality Disorder
NAMI... ......National Alliance on Mental Illness.
NC .......No Contact.
NEA/BPD...National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder.
NDIA....National Disability Insurance Authority
NDIS....National Disability Insurance Scheme
NIMH...National Institute of Mental Health.
NPD ... Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
OCD.... Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
PSTD...Post traumatic stress disorder
SH.......Self Harm
STD.....Sexually Transmitted Disease

AWOL....Away With-Out Leave
AFK.......Away from keyboard
(Y) ........like (from fb= facebook)

Thanks DB 🙂

I sometimes make up my own acronyms when I'm too lazy to type the whole phrase/words. Lol. Also, sometimes acronyms helps me keep a distance from the meaning of words if that makes sense.

On another note as I wasn't sure where to find you...care to check out "A Bouquet for Pearls" thread in the Staying Well forum when you get a chance?

Another BB member has left you a present there 😊

Kind thoughts,

Pepper xo

Thx Peps and for letting me know, deeply moved I'll definately be adding to that awesome Bouquet of flowers (for anyone reading that doesn't know it's to give thanks and kudos to people here)

Yes I do understand what you're saying about actual words as to acronyms.

My main thread is "surviving being in a better place "
And another is D & M's (Deep and meaningful) in reply to you not knowing where to find me 🙂

Have a lovely day I hope Peps, nice getting to know you 🙂

Once again this is a wonderful selection of information.

Now if I can just remember this thread, life will be a lot easier when I come across these acronyms!

There is another one for "seasonal depression" does anyone know what that is? Like when people suffer worse depression in winter say due to the lack of light and a greater sense of gloom and darkness.


Thx Dool 🙂

how bout A for acronyms, A for Ahhhh Haaaaa that's the first letter anyway lol Memory ooops forgotten yeah got it phew didn't have to brain search for long lol running on sleep fumes, not quite but wearing down
Memory jog

So do you think SD for seasonal depression & I can bracket it with ? (anyone know different.)

I've also got for non MH gtg (got to go) OP (original post) so Im updating when there's a handful

Thx for input

tc Oh yeah (take care) now I'm flowing bbl /bbs (be back later) be back soon) btw (by the way) saves on characters too & quicker for mods

Community Member

DB you asked me to put this here

PRN- as required/as needed

SI- suicidal idealation (thoughts)

Thx darl, by all means add here but no I intended bringing them here, I added acronym as a reason for why apart from for me to learn that I asked 🙂

I was a nurse (EN Enrolled nurse) 1 yr training then but didn't click to PRN brains not working atm too well but from memory, Per Required ? need ..I'll suss it later but along those lines

ive completed a certificate in Medical Terminology and done a few short course in regards to nursng including introduction, human anatomy and currently midwifery

yeah PRN- as required, when needed even in med terms