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Acronym meanings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I know there's a few that I don't know but ask what they are so assuming others too may not know


Learnt recently that BPD = Bipolar Disorder can be confused with BPD= Borderline Personality disorder so the poster puts PD= personality disorder (good thinking)

74 Replies 74

Just Sara
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey DB!

GAD...Generalised Anxiety Disorder


BPD...Borderline Personality Disorder

What's CA?

Sez xo

Oh I stumbled upon this thread out of curiosity...

Hi DB and Sez 🙂

Oh yeah, um, I'm not sure if "CA" is a widely recognised acronym (or if It's just me making stuff up lol)...

I saw someone use CSA to refer to "child sexual abuse" (I think it was Corny) on the forums.

So I reasoned that it made sense to drop the "S" and call it CA for "child abuse."

I'm not sure if it's a widely used acronym or not...or whether people here are just very creative 😉

Pepper xoxo

Hey Sez chooky (( 🙂 ))

The only CA I know from nursing is Cancer but not sure

Good you doing that list view, I'll do too with additions and I"ll try and alphabeticalise lol, how do ya like that new word

Hi Peps 🙂

yeah good sense dropping the S cause CA covers all areas poor darlings

So I'll wait & see if anyone says different before adding and on what you said I"ll whack a ? in front

Sez thanks for GAD explanation and between us if you want we can update, no grief if you don't but was thinking when I started to do it that way but it was witching hrs, not much of an excuse but it'll do 🙂

not an acronym but thought I'd add for non fb (facebook users)

(Y) = like

BP........ Bipolar
BPD..... Bipolar disorder

BPD......Borderline Personality Disorder

CA......? Child abuse (does anyone know different?

DSP .....Disability support Pension

GAD......Generalised Anxiety Disorder

PSTD.....Post traumatic stress disorder

Great idea! Wish I could add to the list but can't think of any at present.

I never knew what GAD was, so thanks for that.

Cheers all from Dools

Thx Dools 🙂 you're very welcome

SSM = same sex marriage, I'll update every few newbies

Community Member

GAD- genral anxiety disorder
OCD- obsessive complusive disorder
PTST- post trauamtic stress disorder
PTSD- post traumatic stress disorder
ADHD- attendtion decificit hyperactivity disorder
BP- bipolar
MDD- major depressive disorder
SSM- same sex marriage
BPD- borderline personality disorder
LBGTI- lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex
ATM- at the moment
SH- self harm
SI- suicididal idealation
BTW- by the way
FYI- for your information
CSA- child sexual abuse
SA- sexual abuse

DV- domestic violence