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Three things you feel grateful

Community Member

Hi everyone,

No long time ago i discover the power of gratitud even in the hard times.Gratitud helps with our mental and physical health, improve our sleep, our perception of life and make feel us much better when our mood is not the beate.

Let’s share 3 things we feel grateful for today

1. I feel grateful living this lockdown because it allows me learn new things.

2. I am grateful for my breath because that make me feel i am healthy and alive.

3. I am grateful for my family, because even in the distance, i can feel their support.

Thanks Thanks Thanks

2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello LorenaC,

I hope you are not sad because no one has replied to your post, until now. My only excuse is that I do not stop to be grateful, not nearly often enough.


I am grateful I have found your post;

I have time to reply to your post;

(& I know I said somewhere before), I like your avatar, so I am grateful to see enough to see your little green leaves, so very pretty.😺


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi LorenaC,

Thank you for being a reminder to find things that we are grateful for! We usually look past them and take things for granted. Especially in times like this, it is particularly difficult. Three things that I am grateful for;

1. Music - my ability to fall in love with new songs and be blessed with instruments

2. Writing to this post - super happy I found this forum.

3. Being able to be around family.

Super sweet thread!