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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

(startingnew for your second question)

mental health is really difficult. And also not, because there is NO shame in mental health and we all have a brain that needs taken care of!
But, I’d say it would naturally unfold and for someone, like myself, who is very aware and self aware, feel like you could in some way, pick up different bits of someone. Like, if there more reserved, perhaps they are anxious or if they say ‘oh here is a picture of me, but not a nice one’ then they have self doubt or some kind of ‘down’ about them. What would you say you are concerned about?

Went on and on, hopefully it makes some sense. Will and want to try not to post so many words!

Realized, had asked you about hobbies and you had mentioned the women’s group! That is incredible, how did you find out a bout them? Are they for or by mental health businesses? Mm agree with the desserts, have to be moist and if chocolate is involved, I’m there! Haha

Hope you guys are good!

HI everyone 🙂

Sez that art project sounds really cool. I'm not very good at art unfortunately. But I am starting too cook more healthy meals. I guess that is as artisic as I can be. My sister and brother seemed to get the artistic gene and not myself, which is a bit of a shame as it seems theraputic

SN your talk about food is making me so hungry. I really want some chocolate chip cookies right now. Also with friends on fb sometimes admin have certain rules. Some of them are so stupid. Just be mindful of that in future. Maybe you broke a rule without realizing. But usually people let you know if that was the case. Unfortunately sometimes people are just sh*t.

IN It can be awkward just going up to people in the gym. I found the best thing was to do the classes. People are more social in those. Maybe a smaller based class like HIIT or yoga or something. I find the spin ones are not as talkative. I am still trying to find my voice a bit and trying to stand up for myself and not take sh*t. Still getting there. It is a skill I am yet to master

Well my job interview is all over. Thank god. Not sure how I went. I know I didn't go horrible but also I think they wanted someone more perminat so will see how I go. I am thinking of going to the UK, preferably England to work as a locum dietitian and to gain more experience so I can get better local work

other part of my post that was stuffing up with posting was answering your next question

mental health is really difficult. And also not, because there is NO shame in mental health and we all have a brain that needs taken care of!
But, I’d say it would naturally unfold and for someone, like myself, who is very aware and self aware, feel like you could in some way, pick up different bits of someone. Like, if they're more reserved, perhaps they are anxious or if they say ‘oh here is a picture of me, but not a nice one’ then they have self doubt or some kind of ‘down’ about them. What would you say you are concerned about?

Went on and on, hopefully it makes some sense. Will and want to try not to post so many words!

Realized, had asked you about hobbies and you had mentioned the women’s group! That is incredible, how did you find out a bout them? Are they for or by mental health businesses? Mm agree with the desserts, have to be moist and if chocolate is involved, I’m there! Haha

Hope you guys are good!

hi startingnew

this was my other part of my post and a comment on your other question!

mental health is really difficult. And also not, because there is NO shame in mental health and we all have a brain that needs taken care of!
But, I’d say it would naturally unfold and for someone, like myself, who is very aware and self aware, feel like you could in some way, pick up different bits of someone. Like, if there more reserved, perhaps they are anxious or if they say ‘oh here is a picture of me, but not a nice one’ then they have self doubt or some kind of ‘down’ about them. What would you say you are concerned about?

Went on and on, hopefully it makes some sense. Will and want to try not to post so many words!

Realized, had asked you about hobbies and you had mentioned the women’s group! That is incredible, how did you find out a bout them? Are they for or by mental health businesses? Mm agree with the desserts, have to be moisture-filled and if chocolate is involved, I’m there! Haha

Hope you guys are good!

also startingnew, this was the other part of the post but kept not working and is a comment on your other question

mental health is really difficult. And also not, because there is NO shame in mental health and we all have a brain that needs taken care of!
But, I’d say it would naturally unfold and for someone, like myself, who is very aware and self aware, feel like you could in some way, pick up different bits of someone. Like, if there more reserved, perhaps they are anxious or if they say ‘oh here is a picture of me, but not a nice one’ then they have self doubt or some kind of ‘down’ about them. What would you say you are concerned about?

Went on and on, hopefully it makes some sense. Will and want to try not to post so many words!

Realized, had asked you about hobbies and you had mentioned the women’s group! That is incredible, how did you find out a bout them? Are they for or by mental health businesses? Mm agree with the desserts, they can’t be dry and if chocolate is involved, I’m there! Haha

Hope you guys are good!

Hi MsPurple, (excuse the repeated posts startingnew, it continued to not work so tried to 're-post' but oh well ha!)

That's cool. Did do a class at a gym once and myself and partner were the only ones in it ha! some kickboxing class which have had experience with. It was good but beause we were the only ones, we couldn't take a break for long and obvoiusly didn't talk to anyone or meet people.

It is weird for myself because enjoy my music and being to myself and diong my own thing! Have really missed, the pushing, the sweating, the release and accomplishing feeling! That's for sure!

We may give ti a go! The gym definitely has plenty of egos and gets really frustrating as for the build that we are, we push damn hard and are actually quite impressive as we have put on weight but guys just sit there checking themselves out. And do try to not judge as it gets frustrating with egos and feeling like we are being judged as not fit enough even though we do so damn well. Do get that we are doing it for ourselves and in recent times, decided to stop caring and blocking it out but it is hard when already fit people show up. Have had body related struggles in the past and think I'm being more hard, well know I'm being too hard on myself.

Do you find that your* are competitive at the gym? don't care about others?" IT* is strange and not as I'm one to speak up more and more as time has gone which I'm very proud of myself but it hs * taken a long time! But, when it is to do with my weight because I've had obsessions with weight loss, if someone was to comment on my weight (as my family still do, all the time, of whom have tried to keep distance again) then I've actually stood up more and more to say moving on or let's not talk about that. Have grown such a thick skin over time and you for sure sound like you are doing great!


keep going!

side note: there are grammar mistakes in this post of which, if I'm being truthful, will re-type over and over until make no mistake or have to restart. would rather leave it and hope that is okay. Sure it is, in a moment currently when * where I'm frustrated to feel in control and don't and feel like I'm delving further into a dark area

maybe gone from the forums for a bit, but do think and feels * good things for you guys

Hi IN , It is amusing to read what you write. You have got a lot of character dont you! Thats not a bad thing either- just abit refreshing!
Lol the topic confuses me. So many people use labels, I dont. I cant really change the diagnoses however if I use that label they can start to define me- does that make sense. Same with sexuality- you are who you are I dont care if you are sexually attracted to men but only date women or whatever. It doesnt change you as a person. The only reason I like the labels is because then I can work out what is best suited to me, what therapies, what social activities etc.
nope, I dont know any other LBGTI people around me that I know of however they are probably like me and dont advertise anything. Yes I do have a role model but not just for sexuality- no this is much more than that and that would be our one and only Sez.

Nope I dont understand those people either but honestly its done, I cant change it and if they dont want to grow up and talk to me and actually tell me what went on then that is their problem. It wouldnt surprise me if it was something really stupid tbh, esp the way they acted. They are older than me and are acting like teenagers.
Always have something wrong, too many things to list this one is just new I just want them to hurry up and find out what It is so I can either treat it or know what to do about it, reduce risks etc. getting good at that- seems to be the revolving door of my life! Good news is times are forever changing and so are situations so hopefully wont be like this forever.
Thank you for answering those questions, I wouldnt like to be a relationship counsellor either lol its so complicated sometimes. I have high senses to how people are I just tend to be drawn to toxic people! Can pick things up very quickly about peoples personalities. Im not concerned all that much about mh however I dont like speaking of it as im afraid ill get that label. Not all bad days are mh related sometimes it is just pure frustration!
It was through fb, it has nothing to do with mental health. It is a fun but controlled environment- meaning there is a supervisor and set acitivites each week so no awkwardness or complaining from others 'its not what I wanted to do' blah blah. A safe but fun environment and that suits me fine!
Im always cooking with chocolate however I get them out of my house quickly so I dont eat them or pop lol.


You dont have to be good at art to do it, as long as you enjoy yourself and the only way to learn is to try. I went from drawing nothing more than stick figure to a lot more. Ive had a few people approach me to do their childs names in calligraphy and frame it for them. They pick their styles and colours and ill do it for them. I wont sell drawings etc otherwise it become too much pressure then looses the purpose of being therapeutic. Since you like cooking perhaps you could take up a cake decorating class. Its not easy making those flowers and patterns and shapes etc. lots of detail and time go into them.
Who know with fb, they are admin and can do whatever they want to really. Its in the past at least for now, I just wish one of them had the decency to say what went on.
I really hope your interview went well, if not theres always other opportunities hey.

Hi everyone

SN I really should try do more things artistic. I do have the anxiety colouring in books. Don't use it that often

IN classes are really good. Especially when wanting to start something new at the gym. I do it for a bit of variety as I tend to do the same thing if it is just me

How has everyone been? I just went to my home town to go to a friends wedding. It was beautiful. BIt anxious going back home but managed it ok.

hi MsP

Art isnt for everyone and thats ok too and all in good time i suppose. glad you managed going home ok, and enjoyed the wedding too.

i am taking it day by day for now and as each obstacle comes.

how have you been?