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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

HI everyone. I haven't posted in a while but I have read all the above messages

SN it is great you are opening yourself up for love in any sense. This entering the dating world can be tough and daunting. I myself have just started dating someone and I am enjoying hanging out with him. I am very open. He knows I'm bi and he knows I have GAD and he is cool with it all. He is pretty open too (knows that no many people are 100% straight however he does identify as straight but not 100%, if that makes sense). I am just seeing where it is going and trying not to put too much pressure on myself. What Sez has said is some really good advice.

Inner strength I like doing qu like this 🙂

Age? 26
interests (specific or broad) ? amateur triathlete, fitness, youtube, star wars
where you live? Brisbane
what tv shows you enjoy? atm I am really enjoying the good doctor. I also started watching shameless. But the good ol' classics for me are scrubs, himym, friends

I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I haven't been on as much. Needing to try some time away to help me stop spending so much time on computers, inside and go outside more. Has helped being outside with my anxiety

Hey again sweet Eyes; 🙂

I suppose from an onlookers perspective, my anecdotes might seem confusing. So I'll try to sum things up in one post.

I only came out a couple of yrs ago, on here actually. I identify as bi. Up until recently, I felt very comfortable around women. There is though underlying experiences that've marred my perspective of 'relating' to them.

Was aggressively sexually assaulted by a woman I met online a yr and half ago; ended up in a psych ward. It was extremely hard to come back from. I still haven't tbh. That's why I stress safety with SN (Hey lovely!) It also explains my confused response to blonde blue eyes at hosp canteen.

It hasn't all been bad with women, but in general I've stuck with men most of my life. In truth, if I had access to places like those girl bars I used to visit in the 80's/90's, I'd never be at home! he he

As to domineering? The woman (I dated for months) who hurt me, started out calm, likeable, intelligent and nice company. The first time we were alone though, the Jekyll and Hyde thing started to happen. I didn't follow my gut and ended up baring the consequences.

I'd rather choose partners based on what's out in the open, than get a nasty shock later on. Yes, the blonde gave me yummy feelings. But due to my past, her consistently dominating the conversation needed to be reflected on. She wasn't a great listener and didn't engage me in talking either.

I'm too old to be jumping skins without liking them first. I don't mind taking the lead tbh. It's more comfortable (and safer for me) this way. I can relax and let my passion flow if the situation's right.

My interests etc? I live in central NSW. I'm a young 58 and stay home more often than not. I'm creative, dog friendly, like to travel though not alone if I can avoid it. I'm a great cook and designing/renovating my home is a joy. No green thumb!

My interests are many! I'm an avid doco lover. Information about all sorts of topics agree's with me. Love movies. Don't mind subtitles either. Used to play many sports; basketball, soccer, hockey, squash, swimming. Still like pool and table tennis when I get the opportunity.

Love theatre and live jazz. If it comes with dinner, all the better. Dancing's something I miss terribly. Most genre's appeal, though slow dancing with someone special tops the list.

Ok...there's my 2500 character limit. Whew! Thanks for asking Eyes..

Miles of smiles...Sez xoxo

Community Member

Hi Inner Strength
you can comment on anything that I post, I really dont mind at all.

What made me disconnect from that possible connection were a few things. Firstly it was the marriage part. I am in no way going to ruin a marriage because of my own feelings and more so that she had younger kids as well, the other is age. I hadnt realised her age at the time she is over 10yrs older than what I am which I know shouldnt be a barrier but it feels like one to me. The other is she is my first woman crush so really I was cofused as all hell when it happened. I also wont see her again either she live halfway across the country and was only over my way for a family function that we were both at. She is also my cousins mrs so not a chance and I wouldnt persue it either for all those reasons above. And yes im fine from it, I was only looking anyway.

This is my first time dating on a more normal level if that makes sense. I had one bf but at the time was being abused and just wanted to get away from it all so we broke it off. Then we ended up moving away thankfully so I didnt have to worry about the repercussions of breaking it off for basically no good reason. Besides that it was only 2 weeks and even before I said yes I was worried about dating so it probably wasnt the right time or place to have said yes and commit to something like that. Other than that I have never dated and basically shut down all feelings, denyed them, shoved them down to the point I didnt feel anything for anyone- in the romantic form I mean, of course I care worry etc but never allowed those other feelings to foat on through, more like run from them. Im not running from these one anymore and I want to get out into the world instead of hiding. Of course that comes with risk- but doesnt everything. Sez's story is the reason I fear women just as much as men however I always gravitate towards women, whether that is an emotional/psychlogical comfort thing or if its a gut feeling saying 'listen woman your having feelings, pay attention to them!' thats where I get confused a lot of the time. Is these feelings real or what is the meaning behind them.

Sez! how did you manage that all on one post!! and i also appreciate you looking out for me too xox

hi MsP- i hope your new relationship continues to be good, its really good that your both being open with each other and are comfortable in being able to do so.

Community Member

oh forgot the questions-


interests- these vary from day to day lol and depends on what sort of state im in. Art across all forms and still learning more is always a go to hobby. currently im learning more calligraphy styles and trying to practice those as well as drawing, poem writing, and occassionally painting.

i use to ride horses alot (had to slow down no through injuries) so now i occassionally teach and started riding and realised its still too soon to get back up in the saddle as much as i would like to.

baking is another favourite- more a desert queen here but will attempt to give anything ago. making caramel with be the death of me! i cannot get it right!

i live along the east coast of nsw. beautiful here. im borderline country and city so i have the best of both worlds. 20 minutes from a beautiful beach but i dont go as its always full of dogs (they are a fear) and 40 minutes from very country like style living full of properties. gets super hot here with often bushfire threats nearby but when winter comes we are often in the flood warning zone- crazy weather!

studying- im always researching something and hoping i get accepted into another online course for february as i need to be doing soemthing with my brain otherwise i become destructive. and reading goes well with that whether its being a good study session or my favourite books. i dont have a favourite genre. i tend to jsut read whatever i think is good and interests me

my favourite tv shows are the big bang theory, mrs browns boys, 2 broke girls, cake/cupcake wars, hells kitchen, my kitchen rules, house rules, wife swap (love the dramas lol!) greys anatomy and outlander.

what about you Inner Strength? what are your answers to these questions?

Hi everyone.

How you both did such detailed answers.

Thanks SN regarding the guy I am seeing. We are just casually dating so nothing serious at this point. But I am at least opening myself up to a possible relationship which is a good step

Do you guys watch the tennis? I am currently on the forums and watching the tennis at the same time

Hey msP

That is a positive step 🙂

Nah i dont watch the tennis or really any sports except equestrian when i comes on during the olympics.

Im laying in bed and trying to read but not foccussed enough. I think ive read the same paragraph for the third time lol


I nearly cried for Novac Djokovic tonight when the Korean youngster beat him in 3 straight sets. Whaaaaaah..

Ah.. dating. Try a slow dance in each others arms to a song you both know the words to. Mmm...noice! My ex and I used to dance to Elvis. Not a huge fan, but his words are priceless. The other fave was Enya; romantic and cruisey. I do hope something beautiful emerges hun..


Please don't be scared because of my experience. It's more about online dating sites than anything else. Yes, I am concerned about your response to touch and sexual inferences. You won't know you're triggered until it happens.

That's the risk we take to recover; we push ourselves a little at a time to learn so we can push a bit more when 'she/he' arrives. Trial and error with exit plans and behaviour response plans. You don't want the 'child' in charge of your sexuality. That's what happened to me.

It's not all bad ok. Once you get into the swing of things, life will be your oyster!

Have fun;

Sez xoxo

pity i didnt live nearby (or knew you) Sez! im sure we would have a great time (though i can see me hiding under a table and you dragging me back out hahah) im not offended at all!

dating sites worry me but im not sure where else to meet people considering im not usually out and about and very introverted. i guess i wont really know unless i try things out- it a way to learn whether it be a good or a bad lesson..

"Trial and error with exit plans and behaviour response plans. You don't want the 'child' in charge of your sexuality."

i dont get this part. i kinda get the 'child' in charge but not really either... ive never heard of behaviour response plans either.... if its not suitable to talk about here can we continue it on another thread- only if you dont mind....

Community Member

Hi all, I am Bob from Townsville. I live with Aspergers which I am most happy with, except for occasional meltdowns and social anxiety. Otherwise I am happy just to be a genius, haha.

I would love to get to know members here, as true lasting friends.

Much love ...... Bob

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

I just want to say sorry for dropping the ball in here.

I'm struggling to keep upwith the threads ive committed to, so i haven't but come back in to this cruisy zone but i wsnt to eventually.

Thank you Sez for your lovely welcome 😍 SN, it's great to hear you exploring and i know you and Sez know each other so she can give you better advice than i can. Ms P, seen you round and you're lovely to everyone. Inner strength, i will answer your questions . Bob, lovely to have you here.

I will drop the ball again but i kinda wsnna be part of it so LookOut!!! xo