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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Sez that sounds amazing. I had an awesome sticky berry croissant on the weekend. A great way to finish my 8 week challenge. However I just had it for bf as the place was next to my gym which I never go to because it is always closed.

How has everyone been. I just finished up at my contractor role so now I am looking for other work post xmas. I already booked to go to NSW for Xmas so don't want to start a new job before xmas

Community Member

Hello all, just wanted to say hi here get involved in some chit chat, only recently joined going through a tough time, but won’t go into it here, it’s great to chat in a relaxed environment,

so hello

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
HI Chris and welcome to this thread. Tell us a little about yourself. On the forums I go by MsPurple but some people shorten it to MsP. I have GAD and I also consider myself bisexual. I like to do triathlons however just an amatur trying to get a little bit faster each time (slow and steady wins the race). I also love Star Wars and am super super excited about seeing the new film 🙂

Hello msp

thanks for your lovely welcome, well I’m just your average guy, 43 yo, I’m not hugely into sport other than golf but am quite athletic funnily enough, I’m also right into Star Wars but love movies n music, probably music more so, love seeing live bands, I work full time and I’m straight but am not phobic in any way of others sexuality, I believe in freedom to be who you are, I’m having a rough time at moment hence my joining here, struggled all my life with depression anxiety and panic, had a relative handle on it till recent events.

its been helpful joining here, I’m attempting to change my lifestyle completely, get more into fitness and personal well-being, have tried in the past but have found motivation lacked, hoping I can stick to it

Hey and welcome Chris!

Thanks MsP for the LGBTI welcome wagon too. 🙂

Physical activity's a plus with depression but as you say, needs motivation to succeed. Unlike MsP I'm less inclined to run marathons, lol. I would've if I were younger, but hey, maturity has its upside too.

I'm a movie buff and Star Wars fan too, but don't like all their movies; some have been duds. Sorry MsP!! I love music from my era (70's/80's) and then some. What are you into? Give me anything except head banging migraine inducing stuff.

I feel grateful actually, when anxiety hit big time, I couldn't listen to music or watch movies as they triggered me badly. Now in my recovery I enjoy it much more, but try not to get into lyrics as they tend to intrude, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, hope the Xmas season's a good one. Keep in contact and have a great day!

Kind thoughts;


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello lovely people 😊

Sez invited bluebell here and i thought I'd tag along 🌻 I'm birdy and I'm a newbie, so just dropping by to say hi. I enjoy gardening and have a mad veg patch going at the mo. I live with my partner and three hilarious chooks live out the back ... we're still celebrating (probably a bit too hard!) that we can now get married if we want to! Yippeeee!

🌻birdy xo

Thanks for responding Sara,

i have wide musical tastes, I did like some of the heavier stuff early in my days but I’m pretty soft these days... I’m digging right now, Laura marling, city n colour, war on drugs, paper kites, city calm down, but fall back on some old classics like Fleetwood Mac pink Floyd, Paul Kelly, Radiohead among many others, I actually find podcasts these days help keep my mind free, when I’m real down no music helps at all, everything just turns to nothing.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Chris! Hi! J

Just wanted to jump in and say how much 'constant knot' by city n colour has been tearing into my heart lately ...


He has an amazing voice, I saw them live couple years ago, he was just phenomenally good

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Chris that would have been awesome, I've only just discovered him recently.