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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

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Community Member

Hey everyone!

Thats great news Dan!

Wanting to give a big shoutout to Sez whos birthday was Yesterday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hoping you haf an amazing day and your cruise is relaxing and fun

Happy birthday for yesterday Sez

Community Member

hey y'all happy bday sez and danny omg that's so huge!

i've not been here because things are sort of weird anda little messed up but not to talk about that here. my voice is dropping 😄 loving that!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

That's awesome. You are happy with the voice drop. Must be exciting 🙂

I resigned from my contract job last night. Kinda sad that it didn't work out however I need to move on because I can't afford to stay working there. I wasn't making any money and giving my months notice means I am forcusing more on applying for jobs

Hey SN, MsP and Raynor! Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!

SN...I'm awaiting your return knowing it's what you need to do for yourself. You're a brave young woman indeed. Very proud of you..

Rayne...I'm pleased your voice is deepening along with what I'm guessing are subtle changes in your body; an exciting time. I hope these weird 'happenings' aren't keeping you up at night hun. Sending big hugs to see you through...

MsP...I'm sorry to hear you've resigned, but I also think you've thought things thru prior to making this decision. I wish you luck in finding work that's going to give you more financial freedom and pump up what must be a slump in your confidence. You go girl!

Big shout-outs to Danny and Eyes; miss you both.

Kind and gentle thoughts...

Sez xoxo

Missing you all... 😞

I saw a doco on Audrey Hepburn last night...sigh, she's lovely.

Her femininity's the ultimate! It epitomises the term; 'natural beauty'. Had a crush on her since I can remember. I found out last night she played a high class call-girl in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. Wha the!!!!

Who would'a thunk?

Apparently, not many people who watched it had a clue; me included. I don't think I would've approved anyway, she's too perfeck!

Anyway, still miss you guys...

Hugs...Sez xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Sez

haven't been in this thread for a while

Unfortunately yesterday I was sick. Sucks cause I am never sick. I went to bed feeling a little off. In the morning I felt a bit yuck in the tummy and a bit nauseous. I managed to eat some breakfast but by 9.30 on halfway through the ward round (where I get patients food orders) I felt like I was gonna be sick. The smells were so strong. Normally it is fine, but when you feel queezy you become sensetive to everything. I had to swap duties with a work collegue because I wasn't feeling well. I ended up taking some anti-nausea medication last night. Feel a lot better today. Can eat but not eating much. I think by tomorrow I should be back to usual. I kinda feel bad not going to the gym yesterday. Tempted to go now but I know if I go it may make it worse. I had the worst shoulder pain last night too.

It can be hard as I try not obsess over my weight in my weight loss journey but sometimes you just feel a compultion to go to the gym or exercise (I usually aim for 5-8 hours a week) but I don't over do it. I am happy with my weight loss now but worried I'll put some back on. I have started discussing it with my psychologist which is good but I sometimes get frustrated with myself. Why do we care so much about our bodies and figure. I am physically health and my weight is in the healthy range, why should it matter?

So my illness yesterday story took a turn. Oh well will leave it up incase anyone else has ever felt the same. Knowing you are not alone. I also have another shift at the hospital tomorrow, so yaya more money comming in

Community Member

Just keeping on, keeping on.

I like both of your new avatars.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Raynor.

Thanks. I like it too. I thought I should try something different. Plus it keeps with my MsPurple theme 🙂

Unforutnatley with my sickness I spoke too soon. Had stomach cramps on Friday night/Saturday early AM. I think I must have had a mild form of gastro. I had to call in sick for work Saturday. If I had known it was gastro I probably wouldn't have worked up till then, but hinesight. Lucky I don't touch people at work (and have good hand hygiene so use like 100 pumps of alcohol handsanitiser at work due to its nature). I think it was caused from something I ate :(. My mum got gastro 3 times when I lived with her and I didn't get it once, my guts can usually handle it but not this time.

Hey guys!

Thanks Rayne about my Avatar. 🙂 It seemed fitting considering politics is finally doing the doing. I love yours too MsP! How pretty!

Sorry to hear you've been ill. Nothing like a bout of gastro to keep you at home and out of harms way if you know what I mean.

I was caught once in a comedy club restaurant and had to climb over tables to get to the loo. Yeah I know...too graphic. But hey, it is what it is...

I'm proud as punch of our community and feeling true hope atm. My rainbow flag is testament to this. Having a few personal struggles, but that's par for the course and won't lessen the joy I feel for our LGBTI sisters and brothers.

I'm up for a naughty Kahlua mocha and sticky bun to celebrate if anyone's interested? The lines are open...

Sez xo