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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name πŸ™‚

1,503 Replies 1,503

Hey everyone.

Sorry needed a day off yesterday to just go with the flow. Had work which was a good distraction then went to the gym and had lunch with the housemate. I find being home or not having work makes my mood worse at the moment.

I am not sure what is causing it. I do tend to get low vit d because I am so pale. Why does this affect vit d? It does because I have to put so much sunblock on when it is sunny that I don't absorb as much which can lead to low levels. And I burn relatively easily. And I don't burn and tan I burn peel and the new skin is whiter. The only tan I can get is from a bottle. Now it may not be vitamin d. I know it's not thyroid (would be supprised if it was as no family history) but it seems to happen the same time every year. I have an appointment with my GP on friday as I need to get my mental health plan re-evaluated so I can get the additional 4 sessions. Also I need to tell her that the medication increase she suggested side affects were too bad and I had to go back down (don't worry saw another dr who bulk bills who told me, I didn't make that decision alone). I am going back to the paid dr not my bulk bill one as the paid dr did the original mental health plan and it is easier for her to do it again.

SN don't you hate it when you get butterflies for someone already taken? Has happened to me a few times with both genders. I don't seem to have luck with finding a partner for myself. I am great at finding them for others but not myself. I still think back about this girl I dated in Sydney. She is in UK but I chatted to her a few days ago and she is loving the UK which is good.

Does anyone else seem to get worse with their mental health at similar times in the year? Not saying it is seasonal but I tend to get worse similar times of the year. I also get worse with my period which sucks as it happens once a month. Sorry probably TMI.

I am currently drinking a pepsi max trying to back up my phone so I can get a new phone started up. I am going crazy waiting for it. Taking forever! I want to have a bath and relax but gotta wait

Thanks all for always being here and being supportive. Even if I ramble on 😜

Hey MsP;

I'm glad your mood's been enhanced by work. It's nice to be productive which as you say diverts a worn mind.

I think maybe you're experiencing seasonal anxiety disorder? My Dr suffers from it too. I get apathy during dark, stormy or cold Winter weather. I love Spring because it brings motivation and lots of sunny days.

I'm quite pale too which means I don't get in the sun a lot, but it's also due to fear of skin cancer. I do try to get a few minutes each day though to get that essential Vitamin-D. I'm also wondering if you have anaemia? Iron deficiency can cause this.

I'm happy to see you're still in contact with your previous date who's now in the UK. It's nice having people internationally in case you travel. xo

Hey SN;

I wrote on your thread about self assessment. I hope it helps. πŸ™‚ xo

Hey Raine;

Up's and down's are bound to happen. You seem to be dealing with things as well as can be expected though. Well done...xo

Missing you Danny;

Hope your world's full of wonder and gladness. (Says Pollyanna) xo

Hey Blue Eyes and all our new and not so new Rainbow peep's.

Sending lots of well wishes and warm thoughts your way. πŸ™‚ xo

Smiles and kindness...

Sez xoxo

Community Member

Yes thank you Sez i responded to you on there. It was quite helpful.

hy everyone will get back here just gotta duck into the hospital for abit

Hey Sez. My blood test was for iron and vit d so will get results Friday. I got my iron levels tested 8 weeks ago. The GP thought I was deficient but my ferritin levels were fine (just the other two weren't, which just means I don't absorb iron as well but doesn't mean I am deficient). I did take ferro grad c for a while and it caused my bowels to hate life so I am not taking it anymore as my ferritin is fine πŸ™‚

I am currently at work a bit down because I only had 4 bookings and it really wasn't worth me coming in. I also left my USB at home, which means I couldn't really do other work while here. Dang. SO I am about to do a few billing claims then I'll come back on the forums before my last client. I have also been applying for other full time/part time jobs so fingers and toes crossed.

Yep! My fingers and toes too!

The best way to ensure absorption of vitamins/minerals is a daily dose of vitamin C. In most cases, it's a sort of binding agent (my interpretation) that helps vitamins find their way into our system instead of going straight through.

I'm not just talking about Vit - C pills; it's more about food combining at mealtimes. As a dietitian you'd probably know more about this than me. Oh and btw, anything to do with iron creates that constipation crap! Ha! It fits as a pun yeah? he he

Wishing you luck with better work opportunities. πŸ™‚

Sez xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

1000 posts

which other thread would I want to celebrate this with πŸ™‚

I am gonna sign off for a few hours just to let this sit in πŸ™‚ Happy that after just over a year I have hit my goal of 1000 posts. Let's hope for another 1000 in a year.

Thanks guys for all the help and support. I love how we give and receive support on these forums

Have a lovely afternoon and I may see you on the forums later tonight ❀️


1000 posts and counting!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Looking forward to the next 1000 instalments.

Sez πŸ‘‹πŸŒΉπŸŒ»

Hello my perfect darlings, I’m so sorry I haven’t been on for awhile but I have some wonderful news. A case worker from family and community services contacted me to tell me I have two nieces I never knew about. There 15 and 16 and have been in care since birth and some horrible things have happened but the best thing is after a lot pussyfooting around as of 4pm today they will be all mine, they will be safe and loved in my care and starting the recovery it’s going to to hard but I’m experienced. I really hope I never see my sister I would probably end up in jail she is so disgusting I will never understand. Danny xx

Oh Danny!!

What a wonderful thing you're doing; so openhearted. You have so much love to share you beautiful man you.

I'm always here if you need to pick a gal's brain for the odd head scratcher hun. I grew up with sisters. You've taken on a mighty challenge bless you. I hope you have lots of support services and kind friends to lend a hand.

I've been sitting quietly at the laptop staring at my last words on the page, welling up with gladness...smiling. Could you do one thing for me my sweet? Maybe change your lost little boy Avatar? Each time I look at him my swollen heart bleeds for you.

You see, you're so much more than he. Yes, he'll always be a part of who you've become, but he's healing thru your love for others. He's not alone and lost anymore...I for one am here.

Your strength, protection and caring will provide a loving home for your girls; I just know it. Thru saving them, you're saving that little boy you once were. You're valuable and so worthy of such endeavours. OK?

Heartfelt hugs;

Ms Connor xoxo

Hi everyone. It sounds like you are very excited to start a new journey with your nieces giving the love and support they deserve.