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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

Coming out, it’s never something I’ve done I was sure about my homosexuality as someone who knows there totally straight I have no intention of experimenting with the opposite sex not remotely possible. Being bi I think Is a privilege state I wish I was,be so good to have that option. I think the most important thing is be out to yourself you are not obligated to tell anyone. Do people who have fetishes like bondage, cross dressing, men who like to wear nappies all of it introduce themselves telling you that NO they don’t your sex life is your business and who you do it with is no one else’s. As long as you know who you are. Dan...

Hi ms purple, there not much on lately I’m interested in, will and grace is back the first one was hilarious. I’m waiting for rupauls drag race to return love that I’ve just learned what a pod cast is so I’ve been listening to a lot of those. You’re right tv is so boring now I think we’re in the middle of a change of direction with what viewers want. Dan x...

Dan I also love RuPaul's drag race 🙂 One of my favourite queens of all time is Bianca Del Rio

Sometimes I wish I wasn't bi. Sometimes I wish I swang one way or the other as others make me feel like it is wrong to be attracted to both. Plus everyone talks about how when they came out as gay/lesbian that they just knew, where I never was like that. Now I am not saying being one sexuality is easier, than another. But I felt like that for ages. Now I just accept myself and love in all forms

Hey Danny; MsP and Seasideshell (welcome😊)

Loving the convo I must say. Our stories differ in specifics but the premise is the same...self acceptance and being true to ourselves...coming out timed in accordance with 'when ready'.


Danny...when you find the words it comes together beautifully. I should know; I've been the recipient of such sensitivity and grace. Thankyou Dannylicious xo

You're a gift 🎁

Sez xox 🌹😚🎶🍹

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Yaya go us 🙂

Ok the new star wars trailer dropped yesterday. OMG I am so excited to see it. It is going to be amazing. I can't believe it comes out in like 2 months... EEEEP

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been on since I first introduced myself! My dog chewed through my only laptop charger and I ended up a bit withdrawn from the world thanks to the postal survey, so I lost track of things to reply to a bit. Plus, I'm not that great with social media (and thus I appear to be an anomaly among my peers). I'll try to pop up a bit more - then again, I did say that last time. I make no promises.

MsPurple: I don't have any show recommendations, unfortunately - recently I've listening to a lot of podcasts because I find them a bit less intrusive than watching something (that is, to watch a show I have to only watch it for however long and otherwise I'll lose too much information by getting distracted, but I can listen to a podcast and do practical work like sewing or drawing fairly easily) and I'm not great at choosing shows to watch at the best of times. I always end up accidentally spending hours browsing Netflix, and then getting bored 10 minutes into whatever show I choose and giving up. Bit hopeless, really. Wow, The Last Jedi's releasing in two months? I've not kept track of it much, I'll have to watch the trailer when it's not terribly late at night.

Speaking of, I should really sleep instead of formulating long-winded replies. To any of you who are reading this at night: good night!

- birdleirdle

Hey Birdie! Welcome back...

You and MsP aren't the only one's who love the Star Wars series. My fave of all time is the first showing in the 70's. Saw it 3 times at the flicks. Those words; "Use the force Luke" gave me chills.

All but the last 2 I watched at the cinema. I saw Return of the Jedi in NZ where I lined up for hrs to see the first screening...magic!

I've always loved movies, they were and are my escape from reality. At least with sci-fi I don't get to scrutinise the lack of realism, especially in US movies. When it comes to real life characters and themes, Europe and India have it in spades.

I watched an Indian movie (funded by the Indian govt) about sexual child abuse in small villages. Religious authorities (men) conned their way into the lives of families (in the name of God) to get to their little girls going thru puberty. Very powerful and tragic; still leaves me grinding my teeth.

It's where I got a saying I write on here often; the last words spoken in the movie were "This too shall pass" Ooh...gives me chills

Anyway, that's my say for today...

Sez xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Sez I love love love Star Wars. I seem to be a bigger fan of the sith from episode 4 (original) onwards. In the newer ones (1-3) preferred the Jedi however I didn't like how they just followed orders and didn't use feelings etc. My brother thinks it's weird I am a fan of the dark side. My favourite character of all time is darth vader and in the new movies I really liked kylo ren. (Don't get me wrong I still like all the main characters, but these stood out a bit more too me). My mum is upgrading phones, and I am getting her old iphone 6s plus so I am currently searching ebay for a cool darth vader phone case 🙂

Community Member

hey all, i haven't been here for a while. sorry, i was spazzing. i know there are other places now for posting about un-social stuff so no details but i wanted to say hey here because this was the place that welcomed me 🙂

i changed my name and gender at medicare yesterday and i swear balloons and streamers fell from the sky lol

hope y'all are somewhat fine.


oh and i'm with you on star wars. one of my best t-shirts says 'keep calm and use the force' 🙂

Hey Raine and MsP! And all you beautiful peeps...big Mwah!!!

Yeah, we don't seem to be dropping in as much these days. But happy to see you again Miss all legal and everything. 🙂

There's a party tonight for Startingnew on her 'turning 21' thread. Come on over and skip the light fantasmo! I'll be keeping the fun going if I can.

Hey MsP! How bout you?! Wanna join in the fun? I've got my best outfit ready to wear. I've described it in detail. We should have a prize for best dressed!

I'm feelin spectacular today. Spreadin the lurve...

Sez xo