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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

And.. wanted to let you know-not sure if its good yet or bad. But ive called a helpline 4 times in under 24hrs and had an hours sleep

Sara I do like the on court sports too. Especially netball. I used to play as a teen but don't play anymore. I've considered playing again or trying to get into umpiring netball, but not sure yet. Still trying to get into a routine before signing up for that stuff. I have signed up for 5 tri this season which is on Sundays and I can train in my own time which is handy. I am worried I may have my feet roll in so may need orthotics, but can't afford it now. Hopefully my good health and no leg/foot problems continue (touch wood)

startingnew It is good that you know when you need to call helplines like lifeline, beyond blue or other. Many people don't call and put themselves in danger. Continue to call them if needed. But it sounds like you maybe going through a rough patch. Have you seen a councellor/gp/psychologist lately? I felt my mental health going down recently so I went to see my GP. I'm glad I did because she asked me questions and we came up with a plan to help me avoid a complete relapse (for me that's me getting to my most anxious again)

Community Member


I know I got invited to this forum quite some time ago but I'd like to count myself as fashionably late.

...also I forgot my password and kept not getting around to trying to remember/reset it.

If you didn't see my first thread, I'm a nonbinary (genderfluid maybe? I'm still working on the whole "solid idea of my gender" thing) kid. I like birds.

I don't really know what else to say, but hopefully I'll be a bit more diligent about checking in than I have been in the past.

(it's exactly a month since I registered, too!)

- birdleirdle

Hi birdleirdle and welcome to the rainbow cafe. It is great to have you here 🙂 Should I put the kettle on?

This thread is a light hearted thread to chill and hang out with LGBT+ community. If you want to go to a serious LGBT forum I'll put a link to a new forum I put up for us below 🙂

Can't wait to get to know you more.



MP -

Sure! I'll grab the teapot 😆

- birdleirdle

Yaya I'll get it ready 🙂

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! He he

Alice in Wonderland has a quote for every occasion don't you think?

I seemed to have missed the tea party...ohhh (The site's glitches have made it tough to respond)

Ne' mind...here now. Essen honey...I'll respond on your thread ok? I hear you and am on my way directly. xo

Hi there Birdie! Nice to meet you and great to see you on our lgbti thread for happy campers.

I love birds too, I have no trees on my property but the neighbours have heaps, so I do get to see an array of breeds.

Can I ask why you don't have a bird as your Avatar? What end of the gender fluidity spectrum do you mainly sit? Is it in line with your biological identity? Tsk-tsk; I'm a nosey Nelly, I know.

You don't have to answer if you don't want to ok.

I'm a bi/gender fluid woman who likes feminine women and intelligent men. It's taken me a while to work this out though with some very unpleasant experiences. I tend to fall in love with people who can't love me back. It's at bloody biblical proportions...

I suffer with ptsd/anxiety/depressive episodes. It doesn't define me though. I'm a decent and caring gal with heaps of love to go round. 🙂

Hmm...sounds like a profile for a dysfunctional dating site.

Anyhoo, better whip over to SN's thread and see how she's doing. Lovely meeting you Birdie; hope to see you here again soon.

Big shout-outs to Essen, MsP, Danny, Eyes (😄) and Rayne;

Love you guys!

Sez xoxo

Hi Sez,

Nice to meet you too! Much as it might seem otherwise, birds aren't my absolute favorite animal - that goes to dogs - although they are definitely second. The reason why I have an alpaca as my avatar is honestly just because I don't have any good bird pictures on my computer and I couldn't be bothered scouring the internet for one... I had this picture saved from an old textiles assignment and I thought it was cute, so I just went with it.

Where I'm at gender-wise kinda differs? There might be a period of a few months where I sit more towards the feminine end, and others (like now) where I generally float around masculine, although of course it still differs within those ranges. Most of the time I feel more than partially agender, though. Even when I'm closer to a binary gender, I don't often outright identify as male or female. I hope that made some sense... I was assigned female and I still present fairly effeminately because I'm not out to anyone (except one teacher who somehow worked out that I was nonbinary. I honestly don't know how).

I like girls but because of my gender I can't really find term for that with which I have no problems and identify with. I used to identify as lesbian way back when I thought I was female, but over time it has fit less and less for, uh, obvious reasons. I have symptoms of anxiety and (to a lesser extent?) depression. I'm not formally diagnosed, however at least according to the school psychologist it is likely I could if I were to seek professional help. I'm really nervous about telling my family about my symptoms though, because a lot of it is tied up with my gender. It's a bit of a mess.

Kind of a sad note to end on, but ah well.

- birdleirdle

P.S: we can always make more tea 'u'

Hi birdleirdle,s, love your profile pic, no pressure for anything, this is a place to say what ever you want to. Ms purple has started a thread for more serious issues but that is not set in stone please feel free to express yourself here or there. Gender issues are our specialty and your not alone with that. We are building a strong support network here. Danny...

I'm so proud of our strong support network here on the BB forums. I am proud we are also growing in numbers and becoming stronger together.