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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

Community Member

Hi thanks Raynor

um i think i might just leave it for now. i dont think im ready to ask as yet

no worries

Community Member

Danny, that is such a true description of what it feels like..even though it is not great to feel others are struggling, it does give some comfort knowing that we are not alone in feeling certain 'bad' ways. Had typed out some things and then wasn't feeling right in posting at the moment but thank you for your words and for making me feel welcome. Thinking of you!

Just Sara, Thank you! Honestly, it is hard to do, possibly will at one point. Hope you’re okay, am the same with wanting to help others but feel like have been a people pleasing person for a while and has made me rethink that need to be selfish for a good while. You are so darn sweet, honestly! Thank you for thinking of me, thinking of you and everyone too. You are amazing

Raynor, thanks! Have always thought of this forum as light-hearted and didn’t want to get too real or make people uncomfortable. Thanks though! Hope you are doing well!

MS Purple, thank you and your effort and care toward a new section! Will check it out soon. Thank you for opening up yet another important space for the community!

Hi everyone. Hope you have had a good day. I went to the quad series netball today and it was awesome. I am also doing the 10km fun run Bridge to Brisbane tomorrow and I'm nervous. I haven't run a full 10km yet.

startingnew feel free to ask any question you like when you are ready. 🙂

inner strength. I am trying to have a space for LGBT+ individuals (and our heterosexual ally) to ask serious questions or have a serious conversation. I feel like this tread is pretty light hearted and I thought something more maybe needed. Especially with the plebesite coming up

raynor thanks for refering to my thread. Even though I started that new thread I don't feel like the boss. I just started the thread but its for everyone so it's the peoples thread

thank you MsPurple

MsPurple exactly, it is what we need for those heavy or hard topics. Definitely had the same idea with the way people's mindsets have been and will be for a while!

Hey beautiful Eyes!

Sigh...just lovely to see your face again hun. What can I say? Think I've got a bit of a girl crush. I hope to see you on the new thread sharing some more of yourself with us. We're here for each other; you know this yeah? No selfish about it; deserving is more to the point. We all are.

Saying "Hi" to everyone this overcast Sunday. I want to keep going, but need a piddle. Isn't it always the way? Oh...gotta go; ah, that's better. 😜 (the magic of television!)

So where was I? Oh mor Gawd! It's so cold here. 8 deg's and dropping! I wanted to do heaps outside the house today but was pushed back by the freezing air on my face. Here I sit at my laptop watching out the window for some semblance of sun. Hmm...

Anyways, just wanted to touch base.

Love you all;

Sez xoxo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI everyone. It is nice and sunny up here in Brissy. I did my first fun run today. I did the Bridge to Brisbane 10km fun run. IT was my first time I completed 10km without stopping (I stopped to grab water, bit of congestion at the first water stop). I was so proud. I was hoping to get under an hour and I did it (that was my goal as I can normally do a 5km in under 30mins.). It was a bit chilly at the start but warmed up as we ran. SO many people. I will definitely do this every year now 🙂

What else has everyone been up to? I am watching the defenders on Netflix. It is getting interesting now. The first 3 episodes were a bit too much back story and not enough action

3 cheers MsP!!!

Well done and good on you. How bloody brilliant!

I only wish...

Even when I was fit, long distance wasn't my thing. I was an 'on court' girl and played about 6 different sports; short bursts of energy and tactics.

When I busted my knee, I turned to playing pool. It kept my strategic juices flowing as well as my insatiable appetite for competition.

A few yrs ago I began playing table tennis. There weren't many women so I had to play the men. (smiling) I held my own and became quite good at it if I do say so myself. 😉 Humble as always...

I can't play these days which annoys and disappoints me. Competition drives me to find that 'stuff' men and women are made of.

Actually, of all the things that may get me out of this house, my competitive nature might fit the bill. Hmm...food for thought.

Love you guys!

Sez xoxo

Community Member

Hey Sez

It seems this is the only thread o can get to that your on.

The site is glitching alot of me and i cant even get to my own thread or yours or peppers either.

I wanted to let you know that your in my thoughts. I know you have been having a rough time.

Ive had an hours sleep in 24hrs and rung a helpline 4 times since late yesterday afternoon.

Anyways love you lots

With you in spirit
