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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members
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It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!
There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!
Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.
We just need a name 🙂
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hey Fallen, we didnt' meet until now. Sara elevates you a lot LOL
welcome and peace ~ Rayne
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HI FallenAngle (do you mind FA for short?)
Good to see you on the rainbow forums. I really like the purple music notes. My favourite colour after all 🙂 I am not sure how to put emojis on the forums using my computer
I just watched survivor. Cracking episode. I haven't chosen who I am going for yet, it is hard to choose when most of the screen time is showing one tribe (they show more of the tribe heading to elimination which has been the same team 4 times in a row) but I was happy with the result. The alliance wanted to blind sight AK but they ended up blind sighting Aimee. Only those voting saw it coming.
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Hey sweet Danny;
You're right...it's your party, you can cry if you want to. I finally did the other night. It was a cleansing experience to admit I was really scared. I hadn't prior to that. So who am I to stop you from learning your heart's still working? Bless you...
I'll certainly put the jug on hun; what's your poison? I'm partial to a choc latte with a little Kahlua for good measure. (um...or maybe a bit more for good pleasure lol It rhymes ok!) Leave your woes at home and bring ya jammies. A good ole sleepover would do us both the world of good!
We can paint each others nails and watch chick flicks. Ha! I'm an idiot! (laughing and shaking my head...)
It's interesting you called me Sunshine; my Pop used to play that song for me when I was little while I fell asleep on his lap. "...you make me happy when skies are grey" How apt 🙂
Miles of smiles hun...
Sez xo
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Hey Raine, I admit I did rave on a bit. When I see faces instead of pic's it lights me up. FA's one of our members who brave the stares of onlookers with confidence; I admire this. (Hi Angel!)
Hi MsP...I sort thru Survivor with each trailer I see, anymore than this is overkill I'm afraid. Not a fan, but then my thing's the 'Life' (free to air) channel...DIY isn't everyone's cuppa tea either.
My fave shopping trip's Bunnings; my little dog enjoys jumping on the blanket I put in the trolley for him to spend an hr or two plodding the aisles. I love that they allow dogs in!
Hey guys! What makes you light up? Are you passionate about any movies, hobbies, travel or events? I'd love to hear/read about it as I'm sure everyone would!
Speaking of hobbies, I'm pretty good at sewing, so I'm making my own punching bag. Learning to spar at boot camp made me eager for more. I have my gloves at the ready...can't wait!
Miles of smiles...
Sez xo
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ok the first two things that make me light up are:
- Star Wars (all of them)
- Harry Potter
I am a huge fan of both. I've read all the HP books at least twice (and I'm not a big reader). I have watched the first 6 star wars movies in a day (ok just over but in one sitting). It was an awesome day. They helped me excape when I was younger and loved that about them.
If you are a HP fan which house are you in? You can figure it out officially on Pottermore. Every time I have done the quiz I am sorted in Hufflepuff, which is what I knew I'd be. Heck yeah. One for the nice guys. I honestly feel like the houses each represent different personalities. It's funny how many times I have guessed friends houses.
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OMG y'all, guess what?! the BEST thing ever happened!! You're not going to believe this (I can't!)
So I'll have to tell you LOL
I got a script for T. Yes I did! I told my GP what the psychologist had said and why he wouldn't give me a letter. I was totally honest because I had no expectations but I thought it was worth asking what other options there were in terms of other referrals... knowing that my medicare sessions are all used up for this year.
And the GP said, 'well, i'm just going to write you a script. that psychologist is normally good but clearly something has gone wrong'.
And he did. And now I have it.
Amazing things still happen 🙂
Rayne is shocked today.
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3 T cheers for Raine! Hip hip...!
I can see you smiling thru the screen my sweet; how lovely for you. What a priceless GP!
Sez xoxo
(MsP...will catch up when I've slept ok. It's 5:30am and my eyes are struggling x)
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Hi everyone!
A new member Mate4Mate has joined the forum today and hopefully will join us here on our LGBTI+ Rainbow Café for amazeballs wonderment. I know Raine, it's probably overkill, but hey...you have to admit we're pretty bloody great! 😉
His thread's called 'Introduction of my depressed Story' and can be found in Welcome and Orientation. (It may move though as Mod's decide which section it should be in) It's a good read and understandably a tough journey of self discovery.
If you're reading this M4M, welcome and salutations sweet man.
Sara xo