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The Transcendent Rainbow Cafe - social space for LGBTI members

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

It would be so great to have a thread here where we can chat about almost anything. We can have fun, tell jokes, share stories, you name it!

There's a "BB Cafe" thread in the general area where lots of people chat daily and have established some nice light hearted conversations, it's treated as if it's a real cafe, there's even virtual baked goods and coffee!

Let's create a chat here for anyone to join, in particular the GLBTIQ community to let their collective hair down and chill out. It's a safe space to be yourself.

We just need a name 🙂

1,503 Replies 1,503

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone! It's been lovely up here in Brisbane. It doesn't even really feel like winter (although a few days ago it was different). I can't believe how different winter is up here. Last year in Melbourne I was completely rugged up and now if I'm cold I usually only need a hoodie

Sara some days I post a lot and some days are moderate. Sometimes I need a few days off. I'm probably not the most consistent poster but I do try at least check my threads. I saw this one but for some reason I thought I replied. Oops. How rude of me ;/

I'm looking for a second job. This job isn't giving me enough work but I do like the clients I see, so I don't want to completely give it up, but I do need more income. I want to buy clothes (I'm a Kmart girl) (lots of my clothes are getting quite worn) and pay rent and not stress if I wanna buy a coffee. I have considered doing drive sharing for some extra income, but ideally I would like to do some admin on the side as well

Ok random off topic qu but does anyone have any good tv show suggestions to watch on Netflix or Stan? I need something new. I have watched the typical OITNB, grace and frankie, brooklyn 99, HIMYM. I am like having background noise and something interesting

No biggie MsP; you're not rude 🙂

K-Mart have the bestest singlets, T's and pants on the planet. They might not last like others, but who could pass up a $5 bargain?!

When Dottie was here, she started a thread about tips for living on a tight budget. I can't remember the exact name, but it was aimed at Uni students doing it hard. All her posts are under a new username - Guest 322.

A 2nd job would definitely improve quality of life. It's so hard for young people now, with secure F/T positions cut to shreds since Howard was PM. I wish you luck my sweet.

Btw, how did that date go? I remember somewhere you wrote about it, not sure when. Seeing as you're looking at Netflix as a bit of background noise, it doesn't look good. I don't have access to broadband as my home's ancient. They couldn't even identify if or when a landline was last connected. lol

To redirect the topic, I've been thinking about my gender identity. Since all that yucky stuff went down last yr, I've taken to looking at myself (metaphorically) as non specific. Bit of a safety net me thinks.

There's probably other influences, but it seems treating me as a 'human' tends to feel better. Obviously there's physical characteristics there which show the world I'm female; I can't avoid this. My health and recovery has taken a front seat and this feels 'right'.

Anyway, cheers to you and all reading/posting.

Love ya's..

Sara xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Sara

yeah I am looking for jobs and applying for some. Just so I have more money and so I am so I feel more accomplished. I am most well when I am busy. When I work etc

The date went well. Nothing happened. She was a bit full on and it kinda made me feel nervous. I kinda want a real relationship and I felt like it wasn't going in that direction. We just stopped talking on text. I think we wanted different things. But that's ok. At least I tried.

When I was young I was a tom boy. Maybe back then I wished I was a boy. But I don't ever consider myself a boy. I think I just wanted to be someone else because I just didn't like myself much. I was frustrated that I was dyslexic, with my parents divorce, weight etc. I think for me the wanting to be someone else not me wanting to be male. Plus I used to idolize my brother. (FYI now some days I am girlie, tom boy or whatever I feel like dressing that day, but younger I felt uncomfortable being too girlie). I think gender is really hard and I don't have experience but i have heard from trans people that they have always felt different and uncomfortable in their body/appearance/dress. One Youtuber Stef Sanjati she didn't know until 2 years ago. Then she realised she was actually trans (I listened to her on the Shane Dawson podcast). Sometimes people are not sure of gender or nonbinary. I think watching youtube videos of trans people and getting more understanding of it would be beneficial. How do you think of yourself? Sorry obviously others on this thread who identify as trans would know more than me but I just thought I'd try and show my support of you as a person regardless of gender.

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend 🙂

The whole issue of gender ID used to be important and confusing, but at present seeing as I don't have intimate connections, it doesn't really matter.

My childhood was filled with violence and the unknown, but one constant were my two uncles who I saw as brothers. I gravitated to boys/men as friends and lovers, but their competitive nature was a problem.

I fell in love with women but as I've said, they were usually straight which didn't pan out.

I've been wearing my steel capped work boots of late wanting to get into some stuff around the house/garden. They're so bloody comfortable and feel 'right'; practical too. 🙂

I miss physical intimacy and connecting (like you) on a more emotional level. There's sort of 2 sides to that coin too. I have a body which still reacts normally, but the mental/emotional aspects scare me shitless.

Anyway, my goal now is to concentrate on health and well being. The clothes I wear don't bother me. I could possibly wear my jammies to the supermarket actually. Nothing like slippers, flannelette and thick dressing gown to warm my cockles. The weather here's like Iceland; I've seen others do it, but don't know if I could carry off such a trailer park motif. Ah ha ha...

I'm trying desperately to get out of this house and go away, but there's so many contingency plans required. House unattended, my companion dog and finances. I want to go to a retreat to bring me back to life. Found a great place and the cost isn't too bad for the service.

Time will tell...

Must go hun, it's getting on 4:30am so bed is inevitable.

Mwah! to all, and to all a good night.

Sara xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I think focusing on your health and well being is a great goal. One I am trying to strive for at the moment. Started my tri training so trying to ride and run more. Still getting into the swimming, but I used to be a strong swimmer so won't take too long. I am already a member of a gym but not one for a pool, and they are like $6 entry now, so I can only go once a week at the moment, so haven't started the swim training yet.

I only have an hours worth of clients today. Kinda sucks considering the drive up and back is longer than an hour. But I was meant to have 2 more clients but they cancelled.

Sara, wish I could say why don't you pop over for a coffee and a mag and some cheesecake. But unfortunately we can't but I love spending time with my people I can relax and not be on guard. I'm currently cleaning my lazy child's bathrooms better go all I will be in trouble not aloud phone privileges. Danny...

Hey Danny; would love nothing better than to pop over for coffee and cake. Just one of those things yeah? More than this would be a great big bear hug 🙂

Loss of phone privileges? Under the thumb me thinks lol I should talk, my bathroom needs a tidy up; maybe if I place myself on restrictions, I'll move my butt? ha ha

I've booked into a health retreat for a week. It's not living in a tee pee or dancing around a fire with soul mates, but the opportunity to be cared about and have people to talk with will indeed be a great change and chance to unwind. (Or upwind as the case may be)

I'll be going on the 17th to a coastal area that's on average 10 degree's warmer than here. Sigh...nice. 🙂

Maybe they'll let me walk around in my PJ's all day. Ha ha

If it's better than expected, I may return for a longer period. It's focused on group activities and a personalised lifestyle plan. Not too expensive considering all meals accommodation etc are inclusive. (As well as massages!! Yay!)

Wouldn't it be fabulous for all us on here who're familiar profiles to meet up at a place like this???!!!! A fantasy yes, but I'm allowed to delve into my imagination now and then 🙂

So; take care of you and your girl. Talk later my sweet...

Sara xo (Soon to be healthy guru slash sexy beast!!) And oh so humble 😄

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I would love to catch up over cake and tea/coffee.

Sara the house retreat sounds lovely. Some much needed time for yourself. I have never been to a health retreat or heard of anyone who has gone to a health retreat. Hopefully it is amazing!

Hey MsP;

Yes...coffee, cake, a really long chin-wag and then hit the gym and pool...ah...nice. 🙂

I see you're on your way with exercise, biking and swimming. My poor gym membership's been sitting idle for a while; biggest issue has been anxiety. I freak out every time I think of going. Deep breath...sigh

And yeah...it's a holiday too. One of my sisters lives 45 min's away from the resort so I'll be knocking on her door the weekend before to catch up on goss.

I'm worried about my little dog; he'll fret himself to death if I go for more than a week. We're soul mates; he's perfect for companionship and a good belly laugh when he's in a silly mood.

I hope job hunting has bore fruit hun. A better one than you have would be great. Secure positions, as I've said, are hard to come by; but they're out there. Private hospitals might be a place to look. I know public have Spotless doing all their meals in NSW. Don't know about Qld though.

I worked at St Vincent's Private Hospital (Sydney) in my mid 20's, their kitchen had 2 or 3 dieticians at that time. I lived in the Nurses Quarters and met my husband while there. Cost of living was considerably less due to living in. Maybe that's something you could look into?

Anyway, here's a sticky bun with real butter, and white chocolate-chino to drown your sorrows. 🙂

Chin up...

Sara xo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI Sara.

They don't do nurses quaters anymore. Yes most hospitals have limited accommodation for nurses on call or for locum workers but not anything permanent. Plus I don't work for a hospital I'm doing private practice

I've applied for a few extra jobs today. I'm also considering doing uber but I would need to change my car insurance and get a drivers share driver card in qld.I do also work as a nutrition assistant in a hospital but I am casual so only work when other people can't, but it isn't much.

My housemate got me some cheese cake. I'm so keen to eat it 🙂