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The beautiful magic of the Ancient world

Community Member

I have always had a love and a fascination of the ancient world and I have always loved reading books about it my favourite is Herodetus the story of the illiad. There are many wonderful things we have gained and learnt from the ancient world. athere a many wonderful stories to explore that have come from the Ancient world. There are stories like the illiad or helen troy.


I would like to tell you some wonderful stories from the Ancient world. These stories where also lessons to the learn and enjoy.


There is Romen and greek mytholagy that I find very interested like the story of Precius and how despite the offering of his father zues to jion him in olimpus he choose to stay on earth and protect the people from the eval hates.


There is the story of achillies and how he was a great warrior and he took part and defeated hector at the battle of troy. The other side of that story was the story of paris and how he fell in love withe helen which started the trojan war. In ancient history I prefer the stories of love rather then those on war.


In anceint Egypt we have one of the first pictographical langauges Hyroglifics. They also gave us improvments in irrigation, medical surgery, measurment tools and an applied knowledge of archetecture  


The ancient persians inventedthe first human rights charter. They also invented the postal service, Algebra and modern medicine methodes. There archetectual style was something to be admired as well.


The Mayans also came up with the concept of the number zero. Their Experties was in astronomy and mathematics they developed and complex and accurate calender system.


The chinese empire invented printing, gunpowder and the compass and many other wonderful things we use today. The ancient Langauge of china is also a language which has survived to be used to this very day.


The french invented invented things like photography , motion pictures, hot air balloons and the hairdryer.


The study of the ancient world has always intrigued and facinated me and I hope you also grow to love the anceint world



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