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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

20,584 Replies 20,584

BlondGuy....yes its Nice to make contact with you again.  I found out that the terrific SUSHI take-away shop in my suburb also has one downtown...same owners, so I am delighted about that.  I'll be able to take some home when I've been into the town centre now...I've probably walked past it, not realised it had the same food.  well I guess it has anyway, seeing its owned by the same people....Oh I can taste it now...

Now folks...please, someone with some knowledge or education about this....is sushi fattening?  Or is it as it appears, clean, fresh, good for me and won't put weight on?

Oh...and no, I am not going to apologise for daring to mentioning my "weight" and "body shaming" myself.  If I don't want to put on weight and become obese...that's my business.  You have to "include me" too in this woke world I find myself.  (don't you?)...........love you Paul. x

You can make your sushi at home and use your own ingredients, moon. Ii tried it dor first time last week.

with any food there is conflicting advice re it’s  nutritional content. 
My mum used to say everything in moderation but I used to be all or nothing !!!

Been watching a show on YouTube about British comedy shows like Tes minister the good life  the goodies   called comedy connections showing g how many shows are connected by writers and actors etc.

Oh Quirky I think I'd make a mess of it. all that rolling in the seaweed-y wrappers...I've hardly done any sort of "cooking" or making anything these past few years...(No one to cook for or eat with...no matter).  Don't really care about nutritional content...but don't want to put on any weight..  I am aware I just may have begun to "comfort eat"...aaargh!   Anyone else in the Cafe "comfort eat"?      But it doesn't matter when we eat in the Cafe does it.....I recall nothing in there piled weight on no matter how much we binge on it....what a great place!!!

Moon I have always been a comfort eater. I can sit with chocolate or biscuits and eat and eat to fill a. Lid. Now I will stop myself after one treat and say why am I eating am I hungry..?.

Quirky....did you put on a lot of weight?   (there I go mentioning body shapes and sizes..which as everyone knows is forbidden in these woke days.) Comedians must be finding it very hard ..all their best jokes would probably "offend" someone these days and they'd be "cancelled".  (Is that the right word)....Well damn me to hell...but I am looking forward to coming into the Cafe, giving hugs to old friends who may need one (Including men, or is that sexual harassment now? would I be charged....or cancelled from coming in there if I dare to touch anyone?   sorry I am on my soapbox again.....who wants to dance with me?  xxxxxxxx

I was born biggish and was a solid child and adult until I had children and lost weight breastfeeding.i was out on diets from age 12. Nothing worked. I would lose weight when high and put on weight when depressed. I was told you can’t be depressed you are fat!!!

Then in the last 12 years I lost weight a bit at a time. Now  I am a couple dress sizes  smaller than I used to be . 
I recall great chats in the cafe. 



Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone…….🤗


Its been a while since I visited this wonderful cafe and all you beautiful people….Moon, Quirky I comfort eat…and have put on weight…It used to be chocolate and peanuts until I found a healthier alternative…fried crispy peas I found in the supermarkets…they are a bit spicy, although I do like spicy I can only eat small amounts until my body says enough😂


Dance with you Moon, I would love too…its raining here today so let’s go outside and dance in the rain…I remember when it was raining and I was walking to school, I would take off my shoes and socks, put them in my school bag and walk and occasionally jump in the water that filled and flowed down the roadside gutters….Where has the time gone?  I might be a older now…well a lot older really….but I still enjoy walking in the rain and getting my feet wet in the puddles that form on the grass…


Hugs back to you sweet Moon, and everyone else here reading…



Grandy.....dancing in the rain sounds wonderful..especially on a hot hot night...why not, let's do it.  I don't know where the time has gone either....but we, somehow are still here...haven't gone anywhere, still pondering what it's all about.  I wish someone who has departed would come back for a chat and tell me the point of it all....in the meantime, let's meet and sing and dance and laugh while partaking in lovely food and drinks in a cosy warm friendly atmosphere that is ours alone!.....see you in the Caff!   x

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dancing in the rain sounds so sweet, and I agree - it's gotta be on a hot night!


Perhaps it's raining at the BB Cafe tonight and we can all have a little dance. We can get the fire going and have some soup to warm ourselves up afterwards. 


Who here at the cafe loves the rain/colder weather and who prefers sunny weather?


I think they both have their perks, but personally I do prefer being out in the warm sun.

Hey sbella02 and everyone 🙂 


I hope everyone is doing as well as possible. In VIC we have had many warnings from the BOM and just waiting for the winds to hit. I am so happy I dont live in a tent at this time!


I have a delivery at Beyond Blue Cafe receiving that requires unloading...consisting of....


* 30 Cartons of Subway 6" and 12" Subway sandwiches varying in contents

* 2 x standard Chep pallets of Kentucky Fried Chicken 3 piece feeds and Buckets of chicken pieces.


I used to mention deliveries like this one years ago here in the Cafe. 


* Special mention and thanks to the New Members for having the courage to post on the forums! 

* Special mention to the wonderful members who continue to share their life experience to support others

* Approx 70% of Beyond Blue's internet 'hits' are from people that choose to 'read only'  This is wonderful as 

   the forums are supporting so many people.


Have a great week everyone...(readers/new posters especially!)



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