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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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2-minute noodles sound great, Wiltingdaisy! Homemade damper around a firepit also sounds lovely, perfect for winter. 


Fiatlux, that must be a lovely surprise to randomly find pumpkins in your yard, how delicious. Pumpkins are so diverse, you can use them in pies, soups, salads... I've never heard of pumpkin scones, but YUM. Please let us know how they turn out, if you do end up making some!


I had homemade pizza for dinner last night, so I suppose I'm bringing leftover pizza to the BB Cafe today! Ours had ham, tomato sauce, spinach, sausage, capsicum, tomato, onion, and mushroom, what does everyone else like on their pizza?

Hey blond guy....long time, no find.   I haven't been able to find so many regular friends since Forum's big changes and you were one of them.  I should have known I'd find you in here.   I'd love some of that leftover pizza someone just mentioned and I am a sushi-roll devotee....I just adore sushi....so if there's any going I'll see you there and we can catch up on old times.    Wonder what's happening with you these days?  Hope all is well.....love from Moonstruck. xx

Hi BB Cafe friends,


Gee it has been a while since my last visit.


I have been hibernating in July. Since recovering from flu virus in early June, I am having a hard time concentrating and getting motivated. I’m wondering if I had COVID as it sure feels like it.


Haven’t had much of an appetite lately and that’s not to say that I haven’t been eating well. I experimented with Pandan extract. I love the flavour. Even my fussy son loved the banana pandan bread. It was bright green and looked unusual but tasted so good.


Just recently I have taken advantage of buying a ready made roast from the local supermarket for hot dinners. The roast beef and even the corned beef is amazing. Better than any roast beef that I have prepared myself. I find it more economical than making it from scratch and I don’t have to do the washing up of the roasting pan and the stress of whether it will be tender and juicy. I highly recommend it. 

I still do a little roast lamb occasionally with all the trimmings. This is far easier and stress free.


I am looking forward to watching the Olympics over the next few weeks. As I work from home, I’m hoping that they will replay it during the day. I can see the television with the volume down while I work.


Have a wonderful week, everyone! Fiatlux 🙏🏼

Community Champion
Community Champion

Oooh I LOVE pandan, it's such a unique flavour and it's quite diverse. A nice roast lamb would also fare well in these cold months. 


Who else is looking forward to watching the Olympics? What sports is everyone most excited to see? I've never really been into the Olympics, but I am quite interested in watching a bit of it this year. I did badminton in high school, so perhaps I'll tune into that!



Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello All,


I have never cooked with pandan extract before. I just looked it up and read that it is described as "grassy vanilla with a hint of coconut". Yum!


I hope you feel better soon Fiatlux. Maybe it was Covid as that can having lasting effects for some people. I think the ready made roasts are a great idea!


I do quite like watching the Olympics and have since I was a kid. From the age of 9 I wanted to be a marathon runner so I was into watching the running. This year breakdancing is going to be part of it. I find that cool to watch so look forward to seeing that. The only problem is most of the channels have recently dropped out on my TV so I am going to have to fiddle with it to tune into them again. I'm not sure why they just disappeared.


I also like watching the Winter Olympics but it does give me the heebie-jeebies at times, especially the aerial skiing and, heaven forbid, the luge. I feel humans were not meant to fly high into the air at speed nor travel down a chute in a capsule at speed. It both amazes me and gives me the jitters. The ice skating is beautiful to watch, but at the same there is so much pressure on them not to make the tiniest of mistakes, so I find that a weird paradoxical combination of both relaxing and not relaxing at the same time.


SB, I played a bit of casual badminton with friends in my late 20s, purely for fun and not serious at all. I really enjoyed it. It can get quite fast at Olympic level. I am spun out by the speed of Olympic table tennis where the ball is almost not visible it's going so fast!

hello everyone

I come in here from time to time and rad but not often do I post.

Pandan sounds very tasty.Is it available at supermarkets? 

I am not much of a fan of Olympics as it seems a lot of pressure by the country to achieve and maybe that why some athletes go to extreme measure.

I like watching the Para-Olympics and this shows the real spirit and meaning of people try their hardest. 

It is very cold where I am and often, I wear over 7 layers and am still cold.  I think as one ages one feels the cold more or that is true for me.

How is everyone going? 

What is you go to winter food that will warm you up- mine is soup.

I do know what yo mean about the Olympics Quirky. While I enjoy watching the various events, there is so much pressure on the individual athletes and often from their country. It is like they have put their whole life into an event that lasts a short time. I like the Paralympics too and, yes, there is so much spirit in the people participating.


I feel for you being so cold. It is awful not being able to get warm. I have never used one but I know of people who have heated blankets they put on themselves when they are sitting down watching TV. It was cold all day here today. I've had a cold but it is improving.


I had baked chicken and sweet potato for dinner. I find I warm up a bit with hot food. The only small supermarket in my town runs out of stock quite frequently so they didn't have olive oil there the other day, except in very large bottles or containers. But they did have small bottles of herb infused olive oil. So I bought that and it turned out quite nicely for baking with.

Hey Moon and everyone!

You have been on these forums for soooo long!!  Ill order some quality Sushi for the Cafe Moon 🙂 No worries!

Ive never had Sushi before....If I can ask you...how do I know if the Sushi is fresh or few hours old?


Havent been too bad..lost my partner in 2022 18 months ago. I found her outside 30 minutes after she had a heart attack. She was only in her 40's. Anyhow Ill keep this out of the Cafe!


Its always a bonus to see you Moon...Im going to try to kick start some of my old thread topics including 'Do You Like Yourself'. Just getting my mojo back 😀


my Love always...Paul xox

So good to hear from you Paul.  and sad to hear about your partner, and at such a young age.  Unless you have gone through this "thing' yourself. (as I did not long before you) people can't understand can they?  You will get BlondGuy back again....one day...he is still there deep down.  I lost Moonstruck for a long time and missed her a lot...very foreign territory.    She has begun to return, when I first got glimpses of her I sort of turned a corner.  I won't ramble on here to you...I know it doesn't help...sending love.

I think I would know if the sushi wasn't made...well as freshly as possible...you can just tell. Its a small shop with just small staff...its reasonably priced, so clean, healthy and not fattening.  I find it hard to walk past my little shop here at the beach!

(and you don't even have to ask..."Yes I like/love myself.  I think I'm bloody fantastic"!

Hello Moon and a Huge welcome to all new members too!


You are a legend Moon...and its always a bonus to see you on the forums. You are a strong person....always have been and always will be! I really appreciate your counsel and thankyou so much Moon. You are a wonderful individual with a huge heart.

I havent been on my old thread topic 'Do you Like Yourself' for a while now...yet you made me smile when you said "Yes I like/love myself.  I think I'm bloody fantastic"!


You just made my day Moonstruck!


my kindest always (Hugs)

