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Lets talk music

Community Member

Please post what musician/group you have been listening to lately, also what grabs you about it.

Have just found this female singer called Beth Hart. She has a jazzy, blues full body sound. Has also teamed up with others to make recordings as Joe Bonamassa and Jeff Beck.

25 Replies 25

Community Member

Mississippi Blues Playlist on Youtube right now.

Helps me to relax.


Hey Lovelies,

I'm listening to acid jazz - Dj Andre Collyer.

Get's me up dancing!




Hi FeyChildLovelylicious,

Just listening to Dj Andre Collyer, Nina Simone Mix yes i could get into this sort of thing more. Thanks for putting out there.

Has anyone ever listened to the Bamboos? They did an album where they work with different artists not too shabby. Medicine Man


Hey guys. Can't think of anything specific, but the Triple J Like a version on you tube is awesome. They have some amazing live remixes.

Yes Like a Version is well worth a listen on Triple J on a Friday morning as well. I have found some artists nail it and sometimes even do better than the original version. Love how this radio station promotes Australian artists and totally backs up young up and coming artists. How about this young artist that just won unearthed Gretta Ray.

girl_interrupted great topic to kick off a chat. What artists have people listened to on triple J or other radio stations?

Community Member

Community Member

Check out these up and coming artists out, no heavy mental here though.

Emily Wurramara

Tash Sultana


The Money War

Alex Lahey

Community Member

What have people been listening too lately.

Dope Lemon

The Avalanches

Sticky Fingers

Alabama Shakes

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi gld, echo on Tash sultana going to be huge great talent,
