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It's a bubble life...

Community Member
Our homes are the most obvious bubble. We create these personalised artificial bubbles designed to block out everything in the outside world.

We don't spend much time in them though, because most of our time is spent preparing ourselves to travel in another bubble that we drive to a different bubble... that we we don't really want to be, but that we need to spend time in to pay for the less time we spend living in our personal artificial bubbles (except for the sleep that we need for enough energy to go back to the bubble we prefer not to be in).

In our spare time, we sometimes visit friends bubbles, or go out to eat in bubbles, perhaps even go dancing in a bubble. But most of the time we spend our little free time in our own bubbles.

Occassionally we travel somewhere for holiday for a short time to get away from the artificial bubbles we don't want to be at and the personalised artificial bubbles that we spend less time in because we spend too much time in the other bubble.

We do this by taking a bubble, to catch a flying bubble to a totally different location where we check into a bubble. Then we go out and look around at all the new sites occassionally eating at an expensive bubble, or shopping for gifts in trade bubbles.

We don't really go outside of the designated bubble areas designed specifically for foreign visitors though, or interact with the locals outside of vendors in any way or really explore these locations outside of the tourist bubbles designed specifically for people like us.

Eventually we catch a bubble back to our personalised bubbles again and tell our friends how wonderful the experience was in the tourist bubbles, and show them bubble pictures. And soon after fall asleep in our bubble, to get enough energy to drive our bubble back to the bubble we prefer not to spend time in, to pay for the personalised bubble we spend less time in.

... it's a bubble life.
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Unbeliever,

Wow, that is such an interesting take on life and I can't help but agree with it as well. It well and truly is a bubble life. I guess a lot of people feel safe in their bubble and that is ok too.

My best for you,


Hehe... "Safety Bubbles". 😛