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Croix Parler
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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere
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[LRC laughs, holding belly - having lso raided some cupboards]
Looks like there may well be some fireworks over the icebergs (sounds like a weird movie title: Fireworks Over the Iceberg, haha). maybe well-timed for late New Year's EVE? You won't know if they are really fireworks celebrating the New Year, or if it's Sumo & the penguin & maybe even the LRC 'haggling' over tims of sardines.
What did your Pesky Festiv Penguin say when you said to stop stealing all the sardines? I'm betting, "why?", just like a four-year-old, "why?" in response to every answer we might give to their questions.
You could take out all the guts of the clock, teach the penguin to announce the time when you ask, (maybe), & you'd never have to wind anything up, just feed it some sardines, or introduce a wider variety of foods into the penguin's diet.
I tried watching "Dinner for One" once, & didn't like it at all. There was the animated "Snowman" set to music, with no voice but for one sone, "Walking in the Air", when the boy is holding onto the snowman's hand & they are flying through the air, over the town & all around. It was so lovely. On the ABC, years ago, probably scare myself if I was to google & find out exactly how many years ago taht was.
Hugzies, to everyone,
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Dear MK and all
When I remonstrated with the PFPs they just put their flippers in front of their beaks, burped and said "par'n me", so not much help there. Sumo did ask what PFPs with sardine stuffing tasted like but I persuaded him the tinsel would get in his teeth.
You did have one good idea, If I ever find a cookoo clock I may substitute a PFP for the cookoo. At least it wold be unique.
As for fireworks, Mrs C and I do go and watch them on NYE accompanied by Foxy Dog. It's too late for Sumo, who does no like the car much anyway as he quite rightly associates it with vets and annual vaccinations.
I'm not sure I've ever seen that snowman and 'walking in the air'.
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I dunno .. Mekitty used to eat all the tinselly stuff, Metalica ribbon, fake tree greenery - used to scare me, but she seemed okay, looking at me as if to say, "No worries; it's a bit of ruffage is all".
As for eating PFPs, I'd also be worried about the feathers.... & that's the inward journey....
Oh, dear, I don't want to think this through any further!
If I could have learned to drive, gotten a license & a car ... first, I would have tried to see if I could get her used to being in it, going for short trips, & then, if she became used to it, I would have loved to take Mekitty out for trips around the country, not just to vets.
I trust you & Mrs C had a lovely day together. ? Do you have social events you go to or make plans around being at home? Whatever you do, I wish you both all the best, & hugzies to you, cats & Foxy dog too. I really do get on with all cats & I am happy to play tug-o-war with Foxy dog, using a favourite t-shirt of yours anytime!
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Dear MK and All~
I hope yesterday was OK - or even good. I also hope oyu managed to get A Muppet's' Christmas Carol to work and were lost in Dickensian Muppetry. Mrs C and I went to a family gathering, so no cooking or washing up this year. (washing up seems to grow on its own and is not proportional to the number of guests). As we do not have a dishwasher Mrs C and I normally perform this chore only to find there is no bench space to stack the dried crockery. It's an art.
I would not worry about the PFPs being invited to lunch, they can give anyone that approaches a nasty peck if they need to, and in any case Sumo is full of special cat treats out of little round cans.
No, you can't have any item of apparel of mine to play games with Foxy, it will only teach her bad habits, she already has an inconvenient fascination with shoes. When Mrs C scolds her all Foxy hears is "Good dog".
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I don't want to buy anymore dishes, precisely because Isince I don't like claning them, & if I neglect them, there is not enough space for me to stack them, witout risking them falling on the floor, unless someone comes up with self-stacking dishes, & six level dish drainer....
I do enjoy when someone else does the dishes. [Smiling LRC plays with dish towel, coming nowhere near dishes]
I'm glad you & Mrs C enjoyed time & food & conversation with family.
... so foxy dog, which is your fvourite shoe? It's one of the pair he wears a lot, isn't it?...
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Hi Croix and All,
I think I sent a post in, then again I am not sure if I pushed the right button or not to reply!
Season's Greetings to you all from Dools
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AhAh~ mmMekitty has the missing dishcloth, I wondered who pinched it. As for the washing up problem, I've no real solution. Bringing the dirty dished into the kitchen fills up all the flat paces, so when something is washed there is nowhere to put it. A 6-leve drainer sounds an excellent invention.
Plus of course if they are serving dishes with potatoes, veg and meat on them there is the never-ending shortage of seal-able containers to put the excess in to eat later on -sigh.
Yes visiting the family was good, I even had a show in common wiht a grandson on Netflix to talk about, amazing!
Foxy Dog is not fussy when it comes to footwear. Whatever is nearest in the pile by the back door is just fine and dandy. We try to wean her off onto a squeaky ball, but that only lasts a few minutes, then back to pinching shoes.
I just realized, walruses don't have shoes, they must all belong to Mrs C
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Dear Mrs Dools
Ta for the seasons greetings, I guess you must have pressed the right button on that message at least. How have you been getting on?
Come to think of it I'd like to know how all the rest of you are, Moon, DB, Grandy, Paws, Tayla, Quirky and all.
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Hi Croix and All,
I obviously didn't connect correctly somehow with my first post I tried to send yesterday. At least the second message went through okay.
This is a cheery thread so I won't go on about how I have been feeling too much. Work has been interesting, cutting my days from 5 to 2. I am thankful I still have work, just very hurt and confused regarding having my hours cut.
I need to find more activities to do during the week now I have so many days off work, depression, boredom, procrastination and not having a clue are not a good combination!
We have just had a couple of scorching hot days here in S.A. Today I have planned on a beach trip and it is raining at present but should be clear later this morning.
I am enjoying a walk at dawn most mornings. The garden has had a lot of attention. I've found interesting books to read and have another crochet blanket on the go. Some will go to charity, family have enough! Ha. Ha.
Hope you are all keeping well, regards form Dools
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Dear Mrs Dools~
It's nice to hear from you, though you can have the dawn walks (I didn't think the world started that early:)
I hope you manage you trip to the beach, perhaps when it is not roasting you might enjoy it more.
While I'm sad your working days were reduced you have always been pretty resourceful and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts about what you might do? While crochet and books are fine, actually interacting wiht others is pretty good. I think I remember you working with the Rural Fires Board at one stage.
Hope the gardening is responding to all the TLC