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Croix Parler
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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere
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ER, I thought you'd like the shows featuring animals, such as Lasssie, Rin Tin Tin, Flipper, (well, of-course, Flipper), Mr Ed, Francis the Talking Mule, even as modern as Monkey Magic?
Maybe the tv series could be called 'Walrus Manor', about the ongoing difficulties Croix, the Marquis de BB has running the household of inherited staff, which he cannot fire nor entice to leave, even when past their own retirement age. The Marquis de BB is stuck with these 'people', who, in fact, run the household in whatever ad hoc way they feel, so long as they have plenty of food & someone does the laundry. At the end of each episode, we see who draws the short straw for laundry duty. (Prey it isn't one of the lotsa kiwis; that's worse than one of the lotsa Pesky Penguins).
We'll need a role for Ef-Fe, & all the cat we can herd... & certain beautiful dogs to try to maintain some sort of order ...
We can rent out our spongeform homes to all the crew ...
Penguins & kiwis & cats ... oh my!
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Dear All~
Fancy saying Doctor Who and Skippy are US shows - I guess they'll claim anything given half a chance. I think I'd have to say The Goodies might be my favorite out of that lot - Goodie Goodie Yum Yum; though Monkey Magic come a close second - irrepressible:)
Talking of yum-yum, walruses eat crabs, so that plan of keeping me from rolling might backfire. Waking up to be surrounded by food sounds pretty good.
I'm not sure what oscillate to sleep means, but I guess once the PPs are on a sugar high anything can happen.
BTW how do you plan on getting a locomotive from the mainland to the iceberg?
I'd not trust either the inebriated kiwis or the pesky penguins to do the laundry, the kiwis would probably fall in and come out fluff dried and the penguins would leave there trademark over the sheets. Perhaps it is a job for felines?
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Dear MK and Croix,
I do love shows with animals. You have sparked my memory of another one, Gentle Ben, about a friendship between a boy and bear in Florida. I remember them zooming around the Everglades on one of those boats with the big fan-like propeller on the back. My favourite character in the Goodies was Bill because he was always humane and kind to animals and against some of the cruel experiments Graeme would be scheming. The real life Bill Oddie is an avid bird watcher. But, yes, Monkey Magic is definitely a fave too! I wanted to be able to summon a cloud at will like he could and travel about on it. Imagine if we could have such a cloud available at the iceberg. Except if the kiwis got hold of it the results could be disastrous with the cloud zooming about uncontrollably. Imagine Croix levitating on the cloud. What an air of nobility it would give the walrus. He just better look out for mischief makers getting hold of the cloud.
‘Walrus Manor’ sounds splendiferous! I believe we have the ingredients to make a most entertaining and engaging TV show. I believe the locomotive may operate by the same magic as Monkey Magic’s could. It could bring all the TV production equipment. I’m so excited Ef-Fe, that most wondrous elephant, will be part of the show.
Ah, yes, I forgot crabs and lobsters are yum-yum for walruses. They are now rattling their claws in fear and have scuttled to the underside of the iceberg.
The locomotive should be arriving soon with much mayhem tumbling out of it and onto the iceberg. Hee hee! What fun!
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The Locomotive 🚂 Vehicle is equipped with water wings, & a paddle wheel out the back, so it' actually more accurately a Paddle Steamer Train, with extra boyancy due to the water wings, to carry the loads of movie making equipment.
I do believe I said 'most' not 'all' of the shows I listed where from the USA. Oh, there's another USA show called 'Clarence the Croxx8eyed Lion', which I was uncomfortable about - it was like they were making fun of the character because he needed glasses.... I guess I was self-referencing, because I had thick bifocal glasses when I was little. It was as if they were saying something about me - making me the butt of their jokes.
I liked Bill Oddie best too. Wasn't there a big fluffy white cat in one episode? So cute!
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Dear All~
You sound as if you have planned in detail and overcome all my queries - sigh
I don't think I've missed anything with the Clarence show, I never saw it. In the Goodies I liked TIM (wiht the ssshshiny shoes and Union Jack waistcoat) who had this picture of the then Prince Charles wiht two fold out sections for his ears.
I believe the episode you are referring to wiht the white cat was called "Kitten Kong" and in the opening credits of one series you can see the cat climbing up the Postoffice Tower as it fell.
I have the feeling if any of the inebriated kiwis attempted a spot of oscillation they might become overcome with nausea with messy consequences, I think I'd prudently steer clear.
With the elephant (are you sure it is pink?), I think you would be doing it a kindness if you knitted it woolly shoes, as they are not really used to cold feet from standing on icebergs. I once saw an episode of Inspector Rex where Rex had bootees when going onto landfill.
I'll listen out for the chuff chuff of the paddle steamer train
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Well, the kiwis all see Ef-Fe as 'Barbie Pink', while Ef-Fe is a regular grey, decked out in gold lame. she can have a pair of red sheeps' wool lined boots, & a long trunk warmer, & light-weight gold toned space blankets fashioned into a cape with hood. There is no way we'd let her get too cold; that might ruin the smoothness of her basso profundo singing voice, (with infrasound undertones you can really feel).
Also, planned for the end of season episode, I am making some ice skates for her. Red skates, with gold blades, & lotsa diamante sparkles. I trust you won't mind if she practices late at night, while the ice is more solidly frozen, & it's therefore, safest for you. You don't want Ef-Fe crashing through the ceiling over your head while you are sleeping, do you?
Yes, I do my best to think of everything.
& may you dream of singing & ice skating elephants.
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"may you dream of singing & ice skating elephants"
I think I might just stay awake tonight
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Hee hee! I believe Ef-Fe will be practising her triple axel jump she is learning for the Animal Winter Olympics. What a sight she will be, twirling in the night under the stars. I wonder if she will be practising her singing simultaneously? Such an incredible combination of vocal and athletic talent!
I now recall Clarence the Cross-eyed Lion. So many shows with animals! Speaking of animals, the Pesky Penguins are on a sugar high and super bouncy. I wonder if they could perform a bouncing routine to accompany Ef-Fe? That way they might burn off some energy. I have never seen such hyperactive waddling.
Good night for now!
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Hi Croix & ER,
Ef-Fe gives 'The Baby Elephant Walk' things Henry Mancini never had - infrasound, & infrayodelling. Audiences around the world will be able to enjoy the feeling of the Rythm in their feet, fins, bellies, wings, pores etcetera.
So, Croix, while you were staying awake I hope you enjoyed a preview of Ef-Fe's mega-mammoth performance.
The Lone Ranger: "Hi-ho, Silver, away!"
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Hello MK and Croix,
I adore Mancini’s Baby Elephant Walk! Many years ago I remember saying to a friend if I ever get married the music I’d like walking down the aisle is the Baby Elephant Walk, just because it’s so delightful and funny. Wow, with infrasound and infrayodelling added in by Ef-Fe, it will be a truly resonant experience. So resonant that the igloo and iceberg will rumble in sympathetic vibration. I imagine the kiwis may run about initially believing it’s an earthquake before collapsing in an inebriated heap and lulled into sleep by the rumbling. Their deep snores will add to the resonance. Speaking of rumbling sounds, is that possibly the locomotive approaching?