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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



2,198 Replies 2,198

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

OF COURSE you are good enough, don't you dare squib out! The world needs bowlers such as yourself, think of all the experience you have to back up that raw talent. Do you have a special pair of bowling boots?

I'll have my flippers crossed


Community Member

thanks Croix.....I definitely won't chicken out...zero chance of that! I have a "lucky charm" that was part of a game I had major success in 29 years ago under VERY difficult personal circumstances. I remember holding it close thinking "if I can do this, I can do anything!!".. Now I have taken up the game again, it always comes with me. I will keep you posted.....

"the time has come...the Walrus said"

Community Member

It's definitely on free to air as I dont have any of the paid stuff

Also saw invictus - yes excellent



Community Member

Hey Croix - You suggested I watch Lion earlier today. Well it was on Foxtel tonight, so I watched it.

It was sad ............ but I do concede that it had a feel-good ending. Anyway it was good.

Have you watched Finding Dory yet?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sherie~

I'm glad you liked Lion, as it deals with some pretty serious topics it could have been a lot heavier, I however think the touch was exactly right. It has a great ending, amplified by it being a true story with shots of the real people in the credits. Sad - yes, I feel for the brother and all the other kids I guess.

Have you seen Will Smith's Ali?

As for Finding Dory, I'm up to the part where the scruffy duck abandons the bucket to peck pop-corn 🙂


Community Member

Hi Croix,

Yes I have seen Ali, and thought it was okay. As for Dory, I personally have not seen it.

Right now, I'm badly in need of cheering up. I thought perhaps a good comedy. Any suggestions anyone?

Sherie x

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sherie et al.~

Well I'm sorry to hear you are needing cheering, I guess what we think is really funny changes from person to person, anyway I'll pop some in and so oyu can see if any appeal, you can of course look up the details in IMDB or better yet Wikipedia. While I don't have either some may be on Stan or Netfix

1974 Young Frankensein
1975 Monty Python and the Holy Grail
1979 Love at First Bite
1980 Airplane
1984 Ghostbusters (plus 2016)
1988 Naked Gun 1
1999 Wild Wild West
2000 Chocolat
2001 Amélie



Community Member

Thanks Mr Walrus for your suggestions. Actually of all those, the only ones I've seen are Airplane, Naked Gun and Chocolat.

The type of comedy movies that I like are in the vein of:

4 Weddings and a Funeral

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels



The Castle

Please pardon my ignorance, but I am unable to work out what HTH means? I'm thinking its not a movie title.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sherie et al.~

Come on Moon - help a walrus out!

This is taxing the grey matter 🙂

OK, how about

1986 The Three Amigos
1993 Mrs Doubtfire
2001 Bridget Jones' Diary
2003 Bad Eggs
2010 Going Postal (*my favorite out of these)

HTH2 (Hope This Helps too)

Hello Croix

Going Postal an excellent choice. Terry Pratchett is a favourite author of mine. And the film kept pretty much to the book. Amazing.