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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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I need this

- Jessie J

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Community Champion

Dear Dottie~

I'll miss your presence but will take heart that you will be doing what heals yours.

I would imagine that whether writing a book or composing a work there may be a temptation to make it fit some sort of need involving others.

I'm not trying to lecture or give advice on something I know little, just suggest you play your heart within the discipline of a structure that you respect and hear the expression as notation. What happens after that is not as important.

I hope that makes some sort of sense - probably not important anyway, you are wise enough to do what is needed.

The Hallelujah, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult is almost exactly what I'd like to share, and have been saving.


Community Member

Thank you Croix 😊

I think your "filling a need involving others" is a valid point. I think that happens a lot in composition. Writing for yourself or writing for others...the big question.

I just want- need- an emotional outlet. Like Sam Smith singing about "doing it for the love" and not for the money in Money on my mind. I compose for myself first and foremost...for the love of the craft if that makes any sense...

Ah the legendary conductor. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself. Hallelujah sounds close to your heart so thank you sharing. I'll have to look it up. I haven't heard the London Philharmonic Orchestra's version yet.

I'll miss you too....I'm not really in a great headspace...and music has always helped me in the past so music cave time. Just keep being you...I keep running into your growing fan club here on BB haha. Joking aside, the fact that you're so respected and adored by many is a testimony to your kindness, sensitivity and intelligence.

Dottie xxx

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon et al.~

I'm just recovering from Breakfast on Pluto (it had a couple of unexpected triggers relating to 'the troubles' though a pretty good movie despite that).

I think I remember you talking about drumming. Can you explain what happens?


Community Member

Hi Croix....re drumming - a group get together at various times, including early evening on the full Moon.....they are Djembe Drums, originating from West Africa....Djembe means "everyone gather together in peace" I believe. everyone welcome to try out the drums there...apparently easily learned in one lesson....it is a rope-tuned skin covered goblet drum..played with bare hands ( bigger than a bongo drum)...supposed to relieve stress and tension...the rhythm etc.

people can just go and listen if they like.

I'd go to the Full Moon one of course, if it was well and truly after the sun went down...but it's sort of earlier in the evening and I don't want people to see me.

I haven't joined the group because I'm afraid people watching will point and laugh at me "Oh, look there's Moon S.....sitting there drumming, doesn't she look stupid!".

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon et al.~

Thanks for the explanation though I'm a little disappointing you are not going to give it a go - you could always wear cool shades so the paparazzi would not recognize you 🙂 Could make a change from bowling.

How are you traveling now?


Community Member

...Hi Croix....re my recent distressing problem - I've been given both extremes of advice i.e. "Don't Give Up" and "Let it Go". polar opposite attitudes - what to do, toss a coin?

the "let it go" came (from a place of love) from my son who I think was concerned I would drive myself crazy and collapse into a breakdown, if I didn't take a break from the "battlefield".

the "don't give up" from older siblings (again from a place of love) who hate injustice with a passion, as I do with their protective instincts towards me kicking in big time. *********************

I might have told you I went along to the "bowls club" last week even though I was feeling as low and sad as I ever thought possible....just to escape for a couple of hours and drink in the energy, vibe, and safety. the feeling of "home". I felt better driving home so must have been the right decision. Going again over the weekend and again next week to find out more about a Big Game coming up.

Perhaps I'll make some enquiries about the Drummers, if there's anyone I know already involved- it'd give me "someone to go with". I might get carried away though and end up drumming myself into a frenzy...want to keep going once the session stops!!!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon et al.~

That's one of the things when alternatives appear evenly balanced, so no advice, although I must admit If I'm in that situation I may well do nothing, then the situation can change and hopefully my choice made for me.

I do hope the forthcoming 'big game' had something for you on the team, you sound so much happier every time you are in contact with them.

Seeing if there is anyone to go with sounds a pretty good idea, drumming could be a marvelous distraction, even if you don't reach the 'frenzy' stage:)

On another matter entirely have you ever seen any rep or live theater? I used to go a lot when younger in Sydney, studied drama for a little while. Do you have a favorite play or production? I enjoyed contemporary like 'The One Day of the Year'. 'Summer of the 17th Doll' and more way out like 'The Rise and Fall of Arturo Ui'.

Take care Moon


Community Member

Oh Croix...have I "seen" any theatre?......you know I have!

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Community Champion

Just a wild guess 🙂 And I am interested in your likes and dislikes in that area.
