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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Quercus~

Nothing wrong with your sense of humor, I enjoyed Yoda (but could not face D Trump in any shape or form)

I'll trade you two for one ...

Cookie Monster singing Tom Waits' Hell Broke Luce
Squirrel Nut Zippers Hell

The New Manhood is not available in my local library - can you give an idea about what's in it?



Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Croix,

I was wondering where Trump came into it (I wouldn't watch that either!).

Hmm neither of those were my cup of tea (bit too much in the lyrics for me I think). But worth the watch, thank you. I ended up searching for Golec Uorkiestra instead for a bit of Polish folk music (why not hey!).

You might have more luck looking for "Manhood" by Steve Biddulph instead (I'm reading the newest edition). Or he's written another called "Raising Boys" which is equally as lovely.

He writes about men living a lie, learning as they grow from boyhood to wear masks, keep feelings locked up and pretending to be fine when they're not. He looks into what is contributing to men being at such high risk (mentally and physically) and what we need to change to improve this.

The chapters deal with issues such as relationships with your father, relationships with women, the transition from boy to man, sex, being a real father, real male friends, a job with heart, spirituality.... They're all written with examples from real life and have a focus on how to improve these areas for ourselves and for our children.

Well worth a read and generally a positive reading experience (I don't like to read something that leaves me feeling down... This leaves me feeling hopeful for my son).

Oh and I loved the story about Sumo Cat and your wife today 😊 isn't it amazing how animals are able to sense our needs.

Hi Croix,

You asked me what I've been listening to lately on another thread...

Conan Gray recently released Idle Town plus I've been checking out some of Chase Holfeder's songs. He transposed various famous major key songs to minor key. Pretty interesting to listen to...

Dottie x

Hi Dottie (and Croix and everyone),

Thanks for your recommendations. Chase Holfeder was great I enjoyed that.

I'm listening to Pentatonix on my sister's recommendation and really enjoying their music.

Hi Quercus, Croix and everyone else,

Quercus, welcome 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed some his music.

Yep, the Pentatonix vocalists are very talented! I really enjoyed their recent Bohemian Rhapsody cover.

Dottie x

Have you seen Robin Williams on u tube...."Make Your Life Spectacular".....I love it.

Hi Moon (shoutout to Croix & Fan Club),

Thanks for sharing the recommendation with everyone here. No, I haven't but I'll have to look it up 😊

Dottie x

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie, Moon, Quercus et al.~

I've had a bit of a delay coming back here, pity as I enjoy it.

I liked Pentatonix, though it took me a while to come back to them as I had a bit of an unexpected experience. I started listening to Bohemian Rhapsody which at the start lulled me into a pretty good place, because coincidentally they sounded exactly like the segue that sometimes introduced bogus adverts in the Kenny Everett Show - a comedy favorite of mine. Unfortunately the lyrics suddenly switched to something that I found I did not want to deal with - a result of having lived a 'rich' life I guess - felt a complete turnaround. Walked away.

Anyway later on I went back and listened to a few others of their works, thought each time I looked up the lyrics in advance, a bit over the top, but left me feeling more secure and ready to enjoy. I did enjoyed them in fact. They come on top of pleasant a-cappella experiences starting in 1962 with Swingle (have a look at them in the London Underground) though The King's Singers (try Barber of Seville Overture) and so on. - All these are lighthearted to lift me up, they do more serious stuff.

Robin Williams' Make Your Life Spectacular, in view of later events, is very poignant but can still be a comfort. I'm pleased I watched it.

Conan Grey has a great way with lyrics, they all seem to me to show he feels a little distant from mainstream life - maybe that's just me thinking that.

Yeah, we invent our own little games
When the lights out at the stadium, hey
Making life a spinning arcade
And curfew’s at midnight, we watch the sunrise

I compared a few of Chase Holfeder minor key variations with the originals such as Cyndi Lauper - which sound more aggressive and less contemplative than the minor key versions - as you say, interesting, to get that effect.

For a change of pace I listened to Joan Baez, Honest Lullaby

Thanks for all the suggestions, makes that 'rich' life richer 🙂


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Croix!

I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with Pentatonix. I think you're brave for going back to them and working your way through.

I find particular songs take me to a very bad place and I avoid them if possible. I'm truly sorry if you found my suggestion upsetting.

Hope Sumo Cat gave you a cat smooch and you are ok.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Quercus~

It's not a problem, I bounce back quickly, it was the surprise element as much as anything. As I said I like a-cappella and being introduced to a new group is pretty good. I could probably listen to that particular song now without effect, but will exercise caution instead.

Sumo cat has more pressing matters at the moment that require his attention (breakfast)
